


The Study of Teacher Efficacy of Educators Teaching the Retarded Students and Its Related Factors




林惠芬(Hui-Fen Lin)


教師效能 ; 啓智教育 ; teacher efficacy ; teachers of students with mental retardation




17期(2003 / 09 / 01)


39 - 61




本研究旨在探討自編之「啓智教育教師效能」量表的信效度以及影響啓智教育教師效能之因素。自編之「啓智教育教師效能」量包括: 與家長建立師親關係的能力、問題解決能力、自我要求與調適能力、個人教學能力、與同仁合作協調的能力、以及取得學校行政配合與支援的能力等六個向度34題,解釋量為73.26%。分量表的內部一致性信度值界於.80至.95之間,重測信度值界於.68至.95之間。全量表的內部一致性信度值為.96,重測信度值為.84。 啓智教育教師的教師效能普遍不低。在六個分量表中,效能最高的是在「自我要求與調適能力」向度上,而最低的是在「取得學校行政配合與支援的能力」向度上。就各題項而言,效能最高的是「能要求自己時時保熱誠的教學動力」,最低的是「使學生具有基本就業能力」。 在六個影響啓智教育教師教師效能的變項中,任教年資最具有預測力,年資愈少,教師效能愈低。任教的年段與任教的學校也分別對「個人教學能力」和「自我調適與要求」兩個向度有影響。至於教師的性別與任教學生的障礙程度,對於教師效能並無預測力。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the validity and reliability of the Scale of Teacher Efficacy of Educators Teaching The Retarded Students and to explore its related factors. There were 34 items with six subscales. The internal reliabilities were from .80 to .95 and the test-retest reliabilities were from .68 to .95 in subscales. For the whole scale, the internal reliability is .90 and test-retest reliability is .84. The sense of teacher efficacy of educators teaching the students with mental retardation did not as low as what we had expected. Among six subscales, teachers of students with mental retardation had highest scores in the scale of self-adjustment and lowest score in the scale of having cooperation from school administrators. Compared to other variables, the years of teaching experience could best predict teacher efficacy. The first-year teachers had lowest scores of efficacy in comparison with other teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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