


The Study on Parent Participation in IEP Conference for Students with Mental Retardation in Junior High Schools




劉曉娟(Hsiao-Chuan Liu);林惠芬(Hui-Fen Lin)


Individualized Education Program ; IEP ; IEP conference ; parents participation




18期(2003 / 12 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究旨在探討目前中部地區施行「個別化教育計畫會議」(IEP會議)時家長參與之現況、家長對「個別化教育計畫」及「個別化教育計畫會議」的認知情形並進一步了解家長對於參與「個別化教育計畫會議」的期待與建議。透過個別訪談的方式蒐集二十六位研究對象的意見。研究結果如下: 一、家長對「個別化教育計畫」以及「個別化教育計畫會議」的認知多侷限於表面甚至有誤解,對於法令規定上的瞭解也不夠明確。由於「個別化教育計畫」的內容與實際教學並不一定符合,因此家長認為那是一份應付上級的文件,並認為自己在會議中的角色只是旁聽者、建議者、資訊提供者及配合者而非計畫擬定者。 二、家長參與「個別化教育計畫會議」的現況方面,多半學校都有做到會前通知的工作,但在促進會議的效能上仍有待改進。 三、家長對於未來召開「個別化教育計畫會議」的期待與建議,包括:應加強「個別化教育計畫」宣導、改善開會程序、學校應主動引導家長做有效之意見溝通。提高家長出席「個別化教育計畫會議」的建議包括:會議時間要配合家長、在會前對家長說明宣導「個別化教育計畫」的相關事項、建立良好親師關係、盡量幫助家長解決不能與會的困難,以及讓「個別化教育計畫會議」發揮實質成效。 本研究亦提出對教育行政機關、學校、啟智班學生家長以及未來研究的建議,期能做為推動家長參與「個別化教育計畫會議」之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate parent participation in the IEP conference for their child with mental retardation in junior high schools in central Taiwan area. Data were collected through interviewing twenty-six parents having child with metal retardation. The results indicate that the majority parents having child with retardation have limited knowledge about the IEP and IEP conference. They consider themselves as information provider not IEP designer. Some parents don't think the IEP conference would help for their child and nor express any opinion or suggestion in IEP meeting due to caring about teacher's thinking. Parent suggest that the effects of IEP conference be improved through strengthening mutual communication between parents and teachers、providing detailed information about IEP to parents before meeting、establishing good parent and teacher relationship and helping parents to improve their attendance of IEP meeting. Recommendations and future research for improving parental participation in IEP conference are also provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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