


The Effectiveness of Sex Education Program for Institutional Female Residents with Moderate and Severe Mental Retardation




胡雅各(Yea-Gen Hwu)


啟智教養機構 ; 中 ; 重度智障院生 ; 「性侵害防治」課程 ; 教學成效 ; the mentally retarded institution ; institutional female residents with moderate and severe mental retardation ; the prevention curriculum of sexual exploitation ; cognitive instructional effect




18期(2003 / 12 / 01)


153 - 179




本研究旨在探討啓智教養機構中、重度女性智障院生接受性教育教學之可能性,並進一步探討,執行本性教育教學方案須考量事項,俾獲得在教育上與輔導上的啟示。 研究同時採取質與量二種研究方法進行。編制「性侵害防治」教學課程,共有三個教學範疇,十三個學習單元,範疇分別是:認識適當的身體接觸、認識性分割、如何面對性侵害。據此發展「性教育教學認知成效評量題卷」進行成效評估,並進行量化分析;且發展「性教育整體教學成效訪談題綱」為人種志訪談指引,以進行質的分析。研究采前測-後測控制組實驗設計,依據實驗組及控制組二組(各10位中、重度智障院生)在性教育題卷上之得分,進行獨立樣本單因子共變數分析。並針對教學者及8位保育老師進行人種志訪談,由訪談題綱上之反應,進行歸納整理,以佐證量化數據,並作為未來執行教育教學的參考依據。 研究結果指出,院生經由課程教學,在「認識適當的身體接觸」、「認識性侵害」及「如何面對性侵害」各範疇均達到立即及長程保留效果。由訪談結果也發現,性教育教學確實為院生的日常生活造成正向積極的改變,然教學者保育老師們一致建議,未來各啟智教養機構在進行本教學方案時,必須顧及男性智障院生的需要,應修改教學方案內容,並多方充實教材教具、視聽媒體及提供更多實際場地演練的機會,以提昇院生學習的保留與類化。 根據上述的研究發現,本研究提出進一步的討論與經驗分享,以供各啟智教養機構實施性教育教學的參考依據,並對院生性教育的發展及未來的研究提出具體的建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a self-developed human sexuality program in teaching institutional female residents with moderate and severe mental retardation. The self-developed program consisted of three major curriculum domains. The three domains were as follows:1)the appropriateness of physical contact,2) the identification of sexual exploitation, and 3)the prevention of sexual exploitation. The study was conducted both quantitatively and qualitatively in experimental instruction. During this period, a revising and reteaching method at the summative stage of instruction was applied to enhance the overall cognitive effect of teaching. For the purpose of examining the experimental effect, a pretest-posttest control group experimental design was applied to both the experimental group and the control group participants, each one has 10women with moderate and severe mental retardation. In addition, interviews guide was conducted to acquire the feedbacks of institutional staff involved in this study. Statistical methods such as one-way analysis of covariance, as well as content analysis of interview results were used for data analysis purposes. The quantitative results indicated that the implementation of sex education to institutional female residents were successful. Significant differences were found in the comparison of pre-post test results as well as during long-term maintenance sessions. The majority of participants in the experimental group had successfully acquired the knowledge regarding the appropriateness of physical contact, the identification of sexual exploitation, and the prevention of sexual exploitation. The qualitative results from the caregivers' interview also supported the above findings. The majority of interviewees reported that the sex education program not only improve the knowledge of human sexuality for their clients but also enhance their awareness regarding sexual exploitation. Several adaptations of the study were suggested by the caregivers for future replication purposes: to simplify the curriculum content, to enrich instructional materials, to provide more instructional media, and to include more role play activities in simulated and actual environment. According to the above outcomes, the investigator has reached some conclusions and suggestions as guideline for future studies among the samples populations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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