


The Development of the Employability Skills Scale




張萬烽(Wan-Feng Chang);陳靜江(Ching-Chiang Chen)


智能障礙者 ; 一般就業技能評量 ; 職務基本要求水水準 ; mental retardation ; employability skills assessment ; job entry-level




20期(2004 / 12 / 01)


103 - 139




本研究旨在發展評量智能障礙者一般就變技能的評量表,并針對智障者較常從事的麵包烘培、清洁服務、速食服務、及超商服務助手等四種職務深入分析該職場人員對一般就業技能之基本要求水準,再依據結果建立該職務基本要求水準側面圓。 在發展評量表部分,透過文獻探討、專家可償還核及信、效度檢核,形成共33題之「智障者一般就業技能評量表」。其中內部一致性 Cronbach α值介於.59至.89之間,重測信度介於.71至.95之間,而評分者信度介於.75至.96之間,足見本量表具有頗佳的信度效度攷驗結果亦顯示本量表具有良好的效度。 在建立四種職務基本能力要求之側面圓方面,結果顯示在體能、准備及收拾工具、持久性、出席情況、服裝穿革五項是智障者在從事這四種職類上較重要的一般就業技能外,遵守工作規定、服從性、團隊合作、接受批評、衛生習慣這三項則在四個職務中出現,表示這三項技能亦相當的重要。另外,在這些項目在分量表上之頒布情形而言,閱讀、書寫、以及計算等能力的水准表現在烘培、清潔、速食這三個職類中並未有太高的要求,而在超商工作則需要較多的學科能力才能勝任。


The purpose of this study was to develop an employability skills assessment instrument and to establish the job entry-level profiles on foru typical jobs for persons with mental retardation based on this instrument. The draft of the Employability Skills Scale (ESS) consisted of 33 items, covering three domains theoreticaly: work performance ,social skills and functional academic skills. The internal consistency reliability of subscales of the ESS yielded Cronbach α coefficients ranging from .59~.89.The coefficients were ranging from.71~.95 on test-retest reliability analysis revealed that the ESS was a reliable and stable instrument. Finally,33 employees with mental retardation were recuited from four types of jobs to establish the job entry-level profile, including 10 baking assistants.12 janitors,5 fast food aids ,and 6 workers on 7-11 Food Stores. The profile identified the minimal level of performance expected for success in each specific job. The application of the ESS and the implication of the job entry-level profiles for vocational education and job placement were also discussed in this study.

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