


The Research of Elementary School Special Education Teachers' Willingness and Disturbing Factors of Using Technology Integration in Kaohsiung and Pingtung Area




林育毅(Yu-Yi Lin);王明泉(Ming-Chuan Wang);唐榮昌(Jung-Chang Tang)


特教教師 ; 電腦融入教學 ; 意願 ; 困擾因素 ; special education teachers ; technology integration ; willingness ; disturbing factors




21期(2005 / 07 / 01)


23 - 53






This research was aimed at investigating the willingness and disturbing factors of using technology integration for elementary school special education teachers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. I was interested in analyzing the main disturbing factors for them to use technology integration and the differences between teachers' background rendering to different degrees of willingness. We could predict the degree of willingness for them to use technology integration based on the above analysis of disturbing factors and personal backgrounds. The major findings of this research were listed as follows: (1) the Elementary School Special Education Teachers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas were willing to use technology integration; (2) time and resource in terms of equipment availability were general problems for them to consider using technology integration; (3) The elementary school special educatiun teachers in Kaosiung and Pingtung areas, who are male teachers, teachers who have been teaching within five years, teachers who have aleady used computer sofeuere to intergrate technology, teachers who have more than two computers at home or teachers whose average age within thirty-five years old have higher degree of willingness; (4) teachers teaching in Class for the Deafness, Class for the Blindness and Resource class have higher degree of willingness; (5) the personal background variables and disturbing factors can effectively predict the willingness with predictability between 24% and 48.5%; (6) the disturbance of using computers was the variable with the strongest predictability. Constructive suggestions of using technology integration were elaborated based on this research results for education administration and elementary school special education in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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