


The Effects of a Social Skills Training Program for Junior-high-school Students with Mental Retardation




林芳如(Fang-Ru Lin);鈕文英(Wern-Ing Niew)


社會技巧訓練 ; 國中智能障礙學生 ; 單一受試研究法 ; junior-high-school students with mental retardation ; single subject research ; social skills training




24期(2006 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28




本研究旨在探討社會技巧訓練方案,對兩位國中智能障礙學生之成效。研究方法採用單一受試系列撤回設計,在訓練情境進行社會技巧訓練方案,並且在類化情境要求研究對象自我管理與教師給予提示與社會增強。 本研究依據認知社會學習理論,設計訓練方案,其中包含自我管理與社會技巧訓練,同時採用自我楷模、轉換情境介入、學校本位介入等策略,促進研究對象習得社會技巧,並且達到維持與類化效果。 本研究使用研究者自編之「社會技巧等級紀錄表」,觀察並評量研究對象之社會技巧等級,並運用視覺分析法分析其社會技巧表現情形。另外輔以訪談及課堂觀察紀錄,了解研究對象社會技巧表現之互動情境,及家長與教師對本訓練方案的意見。 研究結果顯示,兩位研究對象之社會技巧,具有立即效果與類化效果,但維持效果略呈負向。


The effects of social skills training program for two junior high school students with mental retardation were evaluated The sequential-withdrawal design of a single subject research design was adopted The participants were instructed in a teaching setting, managed themselves, and accepted prompts and social reinforcements that were given by teachers in the generalization settings. Based on the cognitive-social learning model, the program included =self-management and social skills training. It also stressed acquisition, maintenance and generalization of learned skills through procedures such as videotaped self-modeling, trans-situational interventions and school-based intervention. Data from ratings on the ”social skills ranking list” designed by the researcher was analyzed A visual analysis was used to analyze a subject's performance In addition, interviews that included feedback from parents and teachers, and observation records were taken to interpret interactive circumstance between the participants. The results revealed that the two participants had immediate and generalization effects but had little negative maintenance effects on social skills.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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