


The Teaching Effects of Radical-Group-Text Teaching Strategies on Word Recognition of Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities




吳慧聆(Hui-Lin Wu)


字族文識字策略 ; 學習障礙學生 ; 識字能力 ; students with learning disabilities ; word recognition ; radical-group-text teaching strategies




25期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30




本研究旨在探討字族文識字策略教學對國小學習障礙學生識字能力與犯錯情形的影響。研究方法採單一受試實驗設計模式中跨個人多基線設計,針對四名國小四年級學習障礙學生進行三個時期五個階段的實驗教學與評量。所蒐集的測驗結果進行兩種不同的資料分析,第一種為將識字測驗的得分,利用目視分析與C統計進行處理;第二種是將錯誤的作答內容,以百分比進行分析,以瞭解受試者在不同階段答題犯錯的變化情形。 本研究結果綜合如下: 一、受試者在接受字族文識字策略教學後,其識字測驗的得分皆有顯著增加的趨勢,且具有保留效果。 二、受試者在選字題型的犯錯類型以增減筆畫與自創字為多。 三、字族文識字策略教學能增進學習障礙學生對中文字的瞭解與閱讀能力的提昇,減少字形上的錯誤。 根據上述研究結果,提出對於學習障礙學生實施字族文識字策略教學的相關建議,以及未來研究可行的方向。


The major purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of radical-group-text teaching strategies on the ability of word recognition and the errors patterns of elementary school students with learning disabilities. The research method of this study uses ”the multiple baseline design across subjects” in the procedure of teaching experiment. The research objects are four elementary school students with learning disabilities. The data-processing procedures adopt the visual analysis and the simplified time-series analysis. In addition, this study makes the analysis according to the errors made by the research objects on word recognition. The major results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The radical-group-text teaching strategies has significantly immediate and long-term effects on improving the performance of word recognition performance for the research object. 2. The most common errors of the word-choosing subtests are orthographic errors. 3. The radical-group-text teaching strategies could reduce the orthographic errors, and increase the performance of the word recognition and the reading abilities. According to the above research results, this study purposes some suggestion and future works about radical-group-text teaching strategies for the students with learning disabilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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