


The Effect of Curriculum of Narrative Story on Language Expression in Gifted Students with Asperger Syndrome-An Exploratory Study




鄒小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Tsou);盧台華(Tai-Hwa Lu)


雙重殊異學生 ; 亞斯伯格資優生 ; 敘說故事 ; 語言表達 ; twice-exceptional students ; gifted students with Asperger Syndrome GAS ; narrative story ; language expression




25期(2007 / 06 / 01)


109 - 134




本研究期使雙重殊異學生(twice-exceptional students)利用優勢潛能發展弱勢能力,乃透過敘說故事課程,以瞭解亞斯伯格資優生(Gifted students with Asperger Syndrome, GAS)口語、非口語之語言表達技巧。採個案研究法,以自編敘說故事課程與教學,蒐集「敘說故事觀察評量表」、「家長回饋表」之量化資料;輔以教學錄影帶、教學者省思、家長意見與觀察者紀錄等質化資料加以分析歸納,探究本課程對五位國小GAS學生語言表達技巧的影響。主要發現為:(1) GAS敘說故事欠缺的語言技巧有:未配合情境調整音量、聲調較平緩且未依角色和故事情節變換、說話速度較快、欠缺目光注視、臉部與肢體語言僵硬、不善使用輔助道具;(2)二位個案表現較不穩定,三位個案的語言表達技巧有顯著提升,又以口語表達進步最多;(3)個案在音量、聲調、節奏的口語技巧有明顯提升,咬字清晰與流暢度則有個別差異;非口語技巧中,目光注視與臉部表情有持續平穩的改善,肢體語言與輔助道具較不穩定,輔助道具以無中生有和物品替代的出現次數最多;(4)本課程運用學生優勢潛能,選擇適合的故事題材,透過角色扮演、文字口訣、口述錄音等多樣教學策略,同質性團體與故事情節輔助學習,真實情境演練與形成性評量等設計,有助於提升GAS之語言表達技巧。


The purpose of this study was to enhance verbal and non-verbal communication skills in twice-exceptional gifted students with Asperger Syndrome (GAS), by using the curriculum of narrative story and relying on their relative strengths to compensate their weaknesses. Case study method was used. This study involved the use of quantitative data generated from Observation Evaluation Scale of Narrative Story and Parent Feedback Checklist and qualitative data synthesized from the instruction video tapes, teachers' self-reflection, and parents' feedbacks and observation notes. It focused on the impact of Narrative Story on five elementary students with GAS. First of all, the findings revealed that GAS were unlikely to change tones with respect to the environmental changes; their tones tended to be flat and high frequency; they tended to speak rapidly with mild stuttering; lack of eye contact and appropriate facial expression were observed; and they often did not refer to assistive devices for assistance. Secondly, in summative evaluation scales, two students' performances were still unstable and three showed significant improvement, with the highest progress in verbal skill. Thirdly, significant improvements in voice, tone, and pace of verbal skill were observed; mild individual differences in pronunciation and fluency were noticed; eye contact and facial expression were generally improved; the use of gestures and assistive devices were still unstable. They most preferred and object alternative among the provided assistive devices. Overall, the findings supported the positive outcomes of this curriculum on the participants' expressive language skills by optimizing their relative strengths, selecting suitable story, utilizing different learning avenues, facilitating role play, teaching character rhyme and strategies of narrative, the same characteristics group and fostering rehearsal in real scenarios, and conducting formative evaluation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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