


The Use of Internet among High School Students with Mild Mental Retardation: A Survey Study




林千惠(Chien-Hui Lin);胡雅各(Yea-Gen Hwu)


高職特教班 ; 輕度智能障礙 ; 網路使用行為 ; senior high school special education program ; mild mental retardation ; online behavior




25期(2007 / 06 / 01)


57 - 80




本研究旨在瞭解高職特教班輕度智能障礙學生包括居家使用網路情形、上網目的、網路交友,以及因上網而衍生的問題等相關網路使用行為,並進一步分析不同特質學生在前述行為表現上的差異。研究採調查研究法進行,以自編「高職特教班輕度智能障礙學生網路使用情形調查問卷」,依照北中南東四區隨機抽取全國高職特教班共423名學生,進行問卷調查,並進行量化資料蒐集與分析。 研究結果係分別依據全體調查對象,以及部分具有網路交友經驗學生加以討論。(一)就全體調查對象(N=423)而言:(1)上網的行為已十分普遍,有超過一半的學生之網齡在三年以上;(2)居家使用電腦的情況亦極為頻繁,無論平日或假日,絕大多數學生的上網時間都超過一小時,更有56%學生在假日期間每日上網超過三小時。然而僅有不到兩成的學生家長會針對子女上網行為加以限制;(3)不同性別、地區、年級、或網齡的學生,居家上網行為並未有顯著差異;(4)高職輕度智障生上網的主要目的多以玩線上遊戲、即時通、抓歌(影片)為主;(5)35%的學生反應自己或同儕曾因上網而衍生後遺症,其中有接近半數的學生曾與人在網路上發生口角,有近三成學生因上網而曾與父母發生衝突,更有23.6%的學生曾上過色情網站。 (二)就部分具有網路交友經驗的學生(N=182)而言:(1)有25.2%的學生一直都有上網交友的習慣;(2)大多數學生能清楚區辨上網交友的優缺點,只有11.9%學生不認為網路交友會有任何的缺失;(3)有29.2%的學生是以異性網友為交往對象,有35.0%係使用化名與網友互動,有30.7%的學生經常或偶爾會與網友相約見面,更有30.9%的學生會掩飾其為特教班學生的身份上網交友;(4)學生上網交友行為未因地區與性別的不同,而產生差異,然而不同年級與網齡的學生,確實在上網交友行為上表現較大的差別。


The study aimed at understanding the use of Internet among students with mild mental retardation in the special education program of senior vocational high schools. The online behavior, the motivation of using the Internet, as well as possible misconception and problematic online behavior among these students were the major focuses in the study. Through literature reviews and a conference with senior high school special education teachers, a self-developed survey questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data. A total of 243 students from the nation were surveyed. Data was analzed and discussed based upon the overall student responses, and a portion of students who had interacted with ”cyber friends” in the Internet. The results of the study were as follows: 1. By analzing the overall responses from the 243 students, the results indicated that: (1) the use of Internet had became a common behavior of the students, more than half of the students had online experiences for at least 3 years, (2) the use of Internet was also common at home, the majority of students spent more than one hour online everyday. The duration of online behavior increased to more than 3 hours per day during weekend, (3) regardless of sex, residential area, grade level, or cyber age, no significant difference was found within their online behavior at home, (4) the major purpose of using the Internet among these students was playing online games or chatting with friends using MSN, and (5) 35% of the students reported that either themselves or their classmates have had unpleasant online experiences. 2. By analzing the portion of respondents (i.e., 182 students out of the entire surveyed group) who had interacted with 'cyber friends' online, the results indicated that: (1) 25.2% of this group had cyber friends since they began to use the Internet, (2) the majority of this group can differentiate the pros/cons of having cyber friends, except 11.9% of them believed that there were no side effects searching friends online, (3) 29.2% of this group focused on meeting cyber friends with different gender, 35.0% of them used pseudonyms to interact online, 30.7% of them had dated with their cyber friends occasionally or regularly, and 30.9% of them would cover their disabled status before meeting friends online, and (4) regardless of sex or residential area, the online behaviors of this group of students were similar. However, the differences in grade levels as well as their cyber ages, might affect the students' interacting behaviors online with friends.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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