


An Investigation into the Effect of Sex, Label, and Behavior Information on the Elementary School Student's Perception-An ADHD Example




蔡明富(Ming-Fu Tsai)


注意力缺陷過動症 ; 國小學生 ; 學校適應預測 ; 社會距離 ; ADHD ; elementary school student ; school adjustment prediction ; social distance




28期(2008 / 12 / 01)


123 - 153




過去雖有學者探討注意力缺陷過動症(Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,簡稱ADHD)標記與行爲訊息對學生知覺之影響,針對性別、標記與行爲嚴重程度訊息對學生知覺之影響,不同背景學生對前述知覺歷程是否有影響,以及學生預測ADHD學童學校適應與知覺其社會距離之關係,仍鮮有探討。本研究主要釐清不同性別(男生、女生)、標記(正常學生、ADHD)與行爲(適當行爲、ADHD行爲、違規行爲)訊息如何影響國小學生預測學童之學校適應與覺知學童之社會距離,另探討國小學生之不同性別與接觸經驗對前述知覺歷程有何影響,以及探究國小學生預測ADHD學生學校適應與知覺其社會距離兩者間之關係。研究對象爲高雄縣市612名國小五年級學生,以「標記與行爲知覺問卷」蒐集資料,所得資料採三因子、四因子變異數分析,以及Pearson積差相關分析。本研究發現:(1)男性及女性學童出現適當行爲時,ADHD標記會影響國小學生在學校適應產生負向預測,但不影響知覺其社會距離;男性及女性學童出現違規、ADHD行爲訊息會對國小學生在學校適應預測與社會距離形成負向知覺,且違規行爲對學生形成負向知覺甚於ADHD行爲,不同標記訊息則無影響。(2)不同背景國小學生(性別或接觸經驗)對前項知覺歷程並無影響。(3)國小學生預測ADHD學童學校適應與知覺其社會距離兩者間有達顯著相關。


Some critics of labeling had suggested that once a label had been applied to a child, all subsequent interactions with the child would be altered by the presence of that label. The main purpose of the study were to (1) investigate the effects of different sex, label, and behavior information on elementary school students' perceptions, (2) explore the effects of different sex, label, and behavior information on the perception of elementary school students' from different background (3) examine the relationship between school adjustment prediction and social distance on elementary school students' perception to ADHD students. Two different sex were male and female. Two different labels encompassed normal, ADHD, and three different behavior information were described as normal, ADHD, and CD description. Totally 612 elementary school students were recruited from Kaohsiung city and Kaohsiung county. All participants were asked to complete ”The Perception of Label and Behavior Inventory”. The data obtained were analyzed by three-way ANOVA, four-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis. The results showed that (1) there were significant two-way interaction between different label and behavior information on elementary school students' perceptions to school adjustment prediction and social distance. The ADHD and CD behavior had a negative perception on elementary school students' prediction of school adjustment and social distance. (2) Different sex and contact experience background have no significant effects on the perceptions of elementary school students. (3) There were significant correlation between school adjustment prediction and social distance on elementary school students' perception of ADHD students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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  1. 蔡明富(2013)。ADHD 資優標記與行為嚴重度相關訊息對國中學生知覺之影響。高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類,35,65-90。
  2. 蔡明富(2015)。國小普通班學生對雙重特殊標記訊息之知覺研究:以ADHD資優學生為例。特殊教育與復健學報,31,1-30。
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