


A Study of the Teaching Effects of a Self-Determination Program Developed for Fifth and Sixth Grade Students in Resource Room at Elementary Schools




趙本強(Pen-Chiang Chao)


國小資源班 ; 學習障礙 ; 輕度智能障礙 ; 自我決策能力 ; 課程教學 ; resource room ; learning disabilities ; mild intellectual disabilities ; self-determination skills ; curriculum




29期(2009 / 06 / 01)


111 - 136






The purpose of this study was to develop a curricular program aimed at promoting self-determination skills of elementary-aged students with disabilities and examine the effectiveness of the program. Forty 5th-and 6th-grade students identified with learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities were recruited from the resource room in three public elementary schools located in northern Taiwan to participate in the study. Students were assigned to a control group (n=20) and an experimental group (n=20) based on their grade and type of disability. Growing Up Happily, a competency-based curriculum, was developed in this study to help students develop basic self-determination knowledge and skills. To engage students in learning more efficiently, the curriculum covering topics that are interesting to students and related to their daily lives was delivered through diverse teaching activities. The entire instruction was implemented in 16 weekly, 40-minute classes. Effects of the curriculum were evaluated using a series of analyses of variance (ANOVAs) as well as in-depth interviews with students, teachers, and parents. Results showed that after receiving the self-determination instruction, students in the experimental group outperformed those in the control group. Likewise, teachers’ and parents’ pre-post evaluations also revealed the same results. Interviewees all showed positive attitudes toward the curriculum itself as well as its effects in promoting students’ self-determination skills. Findings of the study suggested that self-determination skills of elementary-aged students with learning disabilities and mild intellectual disabilities could be improved when an appropriate curricular program is available. Suggestions and implications for teachers and researchers were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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