


A Study of the Curriculum Design from the Resource Room Teachers in Elementary Schools in Central Taiwan




陳燕燕(Yan-Yan Chen);洪榮照(Jung-Chao Hung)


資源班 ; 課程設計 ; resource room ; curriculum design




29期(2009 / 06 / 01)


57 - 86






The purpose of this study was to investigate how the resource room teachers designed curriculum at elementary schools in central Taiwan. Researcher-developed questionnaire was used as research instrument while resource room teachers at elementary schools were sampled from eight cities and counties in central Taiwan as participants. Fifty percent of resource room teachers were recruited through stratified random sampling. Three hundred and two out of 338 questionnaires were returned as valid data. Descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Chi-Square, and post-hoc were applied for data analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Near 60% of resource room teachers would listen to parents’ opinions or discuss with regular class teachers. (2) The contents of the curriculum were Chinese Language Arts, Mathematics, and learning strategies. Moreover, emotional and interpersonal interaction, attention, and communication training were applied as well. (3) Teaching materials in resource room were mostly the same as regular classes. Self-developed materials were on the second place, followed by web materials and other published teaching materials. (4) Course models mainly used in resource room were remedial, modification, and aided courses. (5) The difficulties that the resource room teachers encountered included (a) the original curriculum design unfitted different groups of students; (b) time consuming for adjusting the curriculum and special cases; (c) difficulties in curriculum design; (d) lacking opportunities for material exchange with other schools; and (e) lacking awards and feedback for resource room teachers. (6) Comparison of teachers' backgrounds showed that qualified resource room teachers scored significant higher than unqualified ones, and full-time teachers gained higher scores significantly than part-time teachers in curriculum design principles. (7) The difficulties of the resource room curriculum design were significantly different due to the teachers' age, professional background, position, and numbers of students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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