


A Study of Promoting Self-Determination Skills of Vocational High School Students with Disabilities-A Learning by Doing Teaching Model




趙本強(Pen-Chiang Chao)


自我決策 ; 身心障礙 ; 高職特教班 ; 從做中學 ; 課程教學 ; high school students ; disabilities ; self-determination ; special education class ; learning by doing ; curriculum




33期(2011 / 06 / 01)


93 - 124






The purpose of this study was to develop a self-determination curriculum emphasizing behavioral practices and examine its effects on promoting self-determination skills of students with disabilities. Participants were 80 students with intellectual disabilities and autism, recruited from two vocational high schools and assigned to an experimental group (n=41) and a control group (n=39) based on the school they attend. Students in the experimental group received a total of 16 sessions of instruction. ”Learning by Doing Self-Determination Curriculum” based on the conceptualizations of learning by doing, discovery learning, and scaffolding was developed to help students acquire self-determination skills through the process of exercising decision-making, problem-solving, and autonomy behaviors. Strategies teachers used to facilitate learning included explicit explanations, modeling, feedbacks, and independent practices. Effects of the curriculum were assessed by using analyses of variance and covariance to analyze students' scores on the Arc's Self-Determination Scale and the Self-Determination Scale for High School Students. Interviews with students and teachers were also employed to evaluate effects of the curriculum. Results showed that the experimental group's posttest scores were significantly higher than its pretest scores on both scales. This situation, however, was not observed in the control group. Results also showed that using the pretest as the covariate, students in the experimental group significantly outperformed their counterparts in the control group on both scales. Participants interviewed all showed positive attitudes toward the curriculum and its effects on promoting students' skills. Findings of the study suggest that high school students with intellectual disabilities and autism can improve their self-determination skills through the learning by doing teaching model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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