


The Data Analysis and Exploration of Identification in Intellectually Gifted Elementary Students


鄒小蘭(Hsiao-Lan Chau);王琡棻(Shu-Fen Wang)


一般智能資賦優異學生 ; 資優學生鑑定 ; 性別差異 ; 預測效度 ; intellectually gifted students ; identification of gifted students ; gender difference ; predictive validity




39期(2014 / 06 / 01)


81 - 110






This study analyzed the A city's database of intellectually gifted elementary students identification results from 99 to 101 academic year. This research covered situations on preliminary and secondary tests, gender differences and the predictive validity with identification tools. The main findings were as follow: (1) The pass rate of the A city's gifted identification by the preliminary and secondary test tended to decline annually. The male students' pass rate in the second test varied evidently compared to females'. The passing ratios of both tests differ in gender. (2) The male students scored better than female on quantitative subtest in the preliminary test on 100 and 101 school year. (3) The gender differences showed in A-type individual intelligence test: (a) On 99 and 100 academic year, the males scored better than females in subtests, including arithmetic conception, words-phrases conception, words-phrases memory, similarities and differences comparing, three-dimensional design, visual memory and graphics integration. (b) On 101 school year, the males in three-dimensional design and mathematical concepts scored better than females; females scored better than males in the words-phrases conception and graphical comparisons. (c) The females scored better than males only in graphical comparisons on 99 and 101 school year; the males scored better in numbers and quantities for three years in a row. (4) The predictive validities of the preliminary test tool were 59.48%, 65.15%, 64.58%. The discriminant functions of the three subtests were ordered by quantity, verbal and graphics.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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