


The Development of Social Behavior Assessment System for Children


蔡明富(Ming-Fu Tsai)


國中小學生 ; 社會行為 ; 教師評量表 ; 家長評量表 ; 學生評量表 ; children ; social behavior ; teacher rating scale ; parent rating scale ; self-report scale




41期(2015 / 06 / 01)


83 - 119






The purpose of this study was conducted to develop a social behavior assessment system for children (SBASC) suitable for children. The SBASC comprised 3 scales: the teacher rating scale (TRS), parent rating scale (PRS), and self-report scale (SRS). TRS, PRS, and SRS all included 112 items in two scales: Social Competence Scale and Problem Behavior Scale. The Social Competence Scale consisted of 46 items divided into 7 subscales for measuring 3 theoretical dimensions: self-control, interpersonal interaction, and academic behavior. The Problem Behavior Scale consisted of 66 items divided into 9 subscales for measuring three theoretical dimensions: hyperactivity/oppositional, anxiety/depression, and conduct problem. The study yielded the following results: (a) TRS, PRS, and SRS all have high internal consistency reliability and 4-week-interval re-test reliability; Besides, the inter- rater reliability between teacherts, parents and students were lower to moderate; (b) content validity was established by consulting experts and exploring document; (c) the concurrent validity of the TRS and PRS was satisfactory in two criterion-referenced tests (the behavioral and emotional rating scale and the Achenbach system of empirically based assessment). and the SRS to the Beck youth inventories was found considerably satisfactory; (d) TRS and PRS were found considerably satisfactory in discriminating emotional and behavioral problem children from normal ones; (e) confirmatory factor analysis were found considerably satisfactory in TRS, PRS, and SRS. Finally, the percentile rank and t-score norms were developed for 934 subjects in TRS, 1,841 subjects in PRS and 1,095 subjects in SRS.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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