


The Music Creation Process of a Musically Gifted Student through Analogical Skills


梁斐瑜(Feei-Yu Liang);高振耀(Chen-Yao Kao)


音樂資優 ; 類比法 ; 創造力 ; musical giftedness ; analogy ; creativity




42期(2015 / 12 / 01)


27 - 58




本研究為一行動研究,透過觀察、訪談、行動契約以及文件分析等方式蒐集資料,目的旨在透過類比法解決一名音樂資優生小琴在創作音樂時所面臨的困境。行動分為三個階段,第一階段是以Mozart 的Sonata K545 第一樂章作為訓練小琴音樂創作的類比典範;第二階段除繼續以Mozart 的Sonata K545第一樂章讓小琴練習外,創作重點則是在作詞部分:第三階段是作曲技巧的類化情境應用,產出音樂作品。本行動研究發現:(1)音樂創作初期係一從熟悉到陌生之歷程,創作困境為「天才型的創作迷思」與「從無到有的實踐力」,所採取之類比策略為「擬人類比」與「直接類比」;(2)音樂創作中期係一同步歷程,創作困境為「不穩定性」與「創作倦怠」,所採取之類比策略為「擬人類比」與「壓縮衝突」;(3)音樂創作後期係一從陌生回到熟悉之歷程,創作困境為「創作技巧類化」與「產品候選因子的拾捨兩難」,所採取之類比策略為「直接類比」。


The purpose of this study, an action research study, was to investigate the difficulties in music creation by the musically gifted student Tsiao-Chin, as well as to help her with music creation through analogical skills. There were three stages of action research. At the first stage, the first movement of Mozart's Sonata K545 was used as a training model for musical creation of analogy. At the second stage, in addition to continuing training with the first movement of Mozart's Sonata K545, creation training placed emphasis on lyrics. At the third stage, compositional techniques were applied and musical works were created. Through observation, action contracts, file analysis, and interviews, the conclusions of this study are outlined as follows. (a) Early music creation was a process which ranged from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Creation difficulties included the myth of genius creation and the practicing from scratch. Both the strategies of personal and direct analogy were used to achieve results. (b) Mid-music creation was a process of synchronicity. Creation difficulties were instability and creation burnout. Both the strategies of personal analogy and compressed conflicts were used. (c) Late music creation was a process that stretched from the unfamiliar to the familiar. Creation difficulties were the analogy of creation skills and the dilemma of deciding to choose the product candidate factor. The strategy of direct analogy was used.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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