


Learning Adjustment of Junior High Schoolers with and without Special Needs in Inclusive Education: Current Situation and Its Factors


王文伶(Wen-Ling Wang);丁政本(Zheng-Ben Ding);鄧若瑩(Jo-Ying Teng)


特殊學習需求學生 ; 國中學生 ; 融合教育 ; 學習適應 ; inclusive education ; junior high schoolers ; learning adjustment ; special needs




44期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 35






Junior high schoolers with special needs were compared to typically developing peers regarding their learning adjustment in general education settings. 971 students-314 typically developing students, 419 academically gifted students, and 238 students with mild disabilities- completed our questionnaires and interviews. These junior high schoolers with special needs accepted both resource room and general education, and typically developing peers were their classmates in general education. The results indicated that three groups differed significantly in all respects of learning adjustment, with gifted students having the highest mean scores and students with mild disabilities getting the lowest scores. Besides, gender differences in favor of girls were found for gifted students in their performances of learning habits, learning methods, learning attitudes, and discipline and learning awareness, as well as for typically developing students in their performances of discipline and learning awareness. Aside from gender differences, grade differences were also found and suggested that the lower graders were better than the upper graders in terms of gifted students' self-adaptation and typically developing students' learning attitudes. Additional analyses revealed that learning adjustment of junior high schoolers were impacted by students' teacher-student relationship and parent-child relationship. However, the impact of parent-child relationship on gifted students' learning adjustment was greater than the impact of teacher-student relationship. As for typically developing students and students with mild disabilities, their teacher-student relationship played a more important role in students' learning adjustment. The interview data also supported that students' learning adjustment weaknesses included their poorer learning methods and learning attitudes that tended to stop students from making progress or succeeding.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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