


A Study on Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Preschool Word and Print Awareness Assessment


林湘雅(Hsiang-Ya Lin);王秋鈴(Chiu-Ling Wang)


書本和文字概念 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; word and print awareness ; reliability ; validity




49期(2019 / 06 / 01)


35 - 61




有鑑於國內缺乏書本和文字概念的標準化評量工具,因此本研究轉譯Preschool Word and Print Awareness Assessment為「幼兒書本和文字概念評量中文版」(Preschool Word and Print Awareness Assessment- Chinese Version,PWPA-C),以138名四至六歲的正常發展幼兒和32名語言發展遲緩幼兒為對象,進行信度和效度的檢驗。PWPA-C的全量表內部一致性信度為.69,重測信度為.88,評分者間信度為.97。內容效度部分,PWPA-C轉譯後經學者專家審查調整為適用於臺灣幼兒的測驗工具。建構效度方面,PWPA-C全量表與書本概念、文字形式、文字常規和文字功能等分向度有中度到高度的顯著相關(r=.57~.88,p<.01),且四個分向度間呈現低度到中度的顯著相關(r=.22~.44,p≦.01)。另外,四到六歲幼兒隨年紀增長,書本和文字概念也會持續的發展,除了四歲組與五歲組幼兒之間未達顯著差異外,其他年齡組間皆達顯著差異。最後,典型發展幼兒的分數顯著高於語言發展遲緩幼兒。效標關聯效度分析幼兒在PWPA-C與「早期讀寫發展困難檢核表」中「印刷覺識」得分之相關係數為.42,呈現中度顯著相關。以上結果顯示PWPA-C為具有良好信、效度的標準化測驗工具,可用於評量四歲到六歲幼兒的書本和文字概念發展。


The purposes of this study were to adapt the "Preschool Word and Print Awareness Assessment (PWPA)" into Chinese version, and to investigate its reliability and validity. One hundred and thirty-eight typical developing four-to-six year-olds children and 32 language development delayed children were examined by "Preschool Word and Print Awareness Assessment- Chinese Version (PWPA-C)". The internal reliability of PWPA-C was .69, test-retest reliability was .88, and inter-rater reliability was .97. The PWPA-C was viewed by scholars and experts, and each item has been examined carefully and adjusted to suit Taiwan's preschoolers. In terms of construct validity, the full scale of PWPA-C had a moderate to high correlation with the book convention, print convention, print form, and print function (r=.57~.88, p<.01). And there was a significant low to moderate correlation (r=.22~.44, p≦.01) between subscale. In addition, as children between four to six years old grew older, their word and print awareness also developed. There were significant differences among age groups, except the comparison between the 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds. Children with normal development also had significantly higher scores in PWPA-C than those with language development delayed. Regarding to criterion-related validity, Pearson correlation coefficients of the scores between PWPA-C and Print Awareness Subtest of Early Literacy Screening Checklist was .42, indicated a significant moderate correlation. The results as above indicated that PWPA-C had adequate reliability and validity and could be used for assessing preschoolers' word and print awareness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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