
The Effects of Using Story Map as Prompting and Instructional Strategies on Oral Retelling for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities




葉芷呤(Chih-Yin Yeh);陳明聰(Ming-Chung Chen);陳思涵(Szu-Han Kay Chen)


story retell ; story map ; students with intellectual disabilities ; narrative ; 故事重述 ; 故事圖 ; 輕度智能障礙 ; 敘事




49期(2019 / 06 / 01)


93 - 113




Improving oral narrative ability is one of the essential goals of speech and language therapy for children with intellectual disabilities (ID). This study aimed to investigate the effects of story map strategy on retelling for children with ID who had difficulties in oral narrative. Three 5th and 6th grade students with intellectual disabilities participated in the experiment. The multiple treatment design of single-subject research was adopted. Three conditions were manipulated, including (a) baseline: teaching with typical strategy and asking students to retell without story maps, (b) intervention B: teaching with typical strategy and asking students to retell with story maps, and (c) intervention C: teaching with story mapping strategies and asking students to retell with story maps. The accuracy of retelling, the total number of Chinese words (NW), and different Chinese words (NDW) were used as indicators to evaluate the performance of narrative. The results indicated that (a) the effect of using story map as a prompt is significant on increasing NW, but not on improving the accuracy of retelling and NDW of retelling, (b) the effect of adding story mapping teaching strategies during telling the story is significant on improving the accuracy of retelling and NW of retelling.



主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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