


A Study on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Senior High School Teacher in Self-Contained Classrooms




黃彥融(Yan-Rong Huang);林燕玲(Yen-Ling Lin)


科技教學內容知識 ; 特教教師專業能力 ; 高中集中式特教班教師 ; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) ; teacher professional ability ; senior high school teacher in self-contained classrooms




51期(2020 / 06 / 01)


31 - 64




本研究旨在探究高中集中式特教班教師科技教學內容知識專業能力,並分析不同背景教師在能力上的差異。以研究者自編之「科技教學內容知識能力調查問卷」進行調查,問卷內容綜合教學知識、內容知識及科技知識等能力,透過設計、運用、倫理及熟練度四個向度進行。本研究採立意取樣方式,以參與「特殊教育學校課綱宣導」或「服務群課程推動工作圈」相關研習之教師作為研究對象,剔除掉重複填答、填答不全或無意願參與本研究的相關問卷後,計有225位教師填答本問卷。研究結果以描述性統計作為說明,並使用獨立樣本t檢定進行差異分析。結果發現如下:(1)高中集中式特教班教師具備基礎以上的科技教學內容知識能力,普遍具備相關倫理規範,且能運用科技來更新教學上的新知,但對於科技與教學活動結合及數位科技規劃課程產生相對困難;(2)科技教學內容知識能力不受到性別、最高學歷及大學是否特教系畢等因素而產生差異;(3)高中集中式特教班教師科技教學內容知識專業能力受到教學年資及任教學校類型等背景因素而產生顯著差異。最後,根據研究結果提出在特教教師科技教學內容知識專業能力培育及增能建議,並提出建構特殊教育教師的科技特教教學知識(technological special education pedagogical knowledge, TSEPK)之發展建議。


This study was to explore Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for senior high school teacher in self-contained classrooms. The researchers investigated the teachers' ability of technology curriculum design, technology curriculum application, technology application ethics and technology application proficiency, and discussed the differences of ability with distinct background. A self-reported questionnaire with measures of technology curriculum design, technology curriculum application, technology application ethics and technology application proficiency were administered to senior high school teacher of self-contained classrooms whom join workshop. Data was collected from 225 teachers after discarding invalid and incomplete questionnaires by purposive sampling. The result was analyzed through descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test. Findings were summarized as follows: (1) Teachers' TPACK ability generally had above the average. Teachers have better performance in "technology application ethics", and "technology curriculum application" needs to be strengthened. Teachers generally have ethics in technology is above the average, and can use technology to update new knowledge in teaching, but it is difficult for science and teaching activities and technology planning courses; (2) Teachers' TPACK ability indicated that no differences in gender and professional background.; (3) There were significant differences in background factors such as teaching years and type of school. According to the research results, the author put forward the suggestions on the cultivation and enrichment of the special knowledge of the science and technology teaching content of the special education teachers, and proposed the development of the Technical Special Education Pedagogical Knowledge (TSEPK).

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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