


The Effects of Learning and Attention in the Classroom for Students with Learning Disabilities by Using Augmented Reality in Rate and Ratio Instruction




蔡浩軒(Hao-Syuan Cai);孟瑛如(Ying-Ru Meng)


學習障礙 ; 擴增實境 ; 數學學習 ; 比與比值 ; 課堂注意力 ; students with learning disabilities ; augmented reality ; mathematics learning ; rate and ratio ; attention in the classroom




51期(2020 / 06 / 01)


65 - 99






This study used Augmented Reality (AR) to design mathematical instruction in rate and ratio and single subject withdraw design to evaluate effects of the 4 six grade students with learning disabilities on learning and attention in the classroom. The instruction lasted 8-weeks and was performed three times a week. Instruments were adapted "Classroom Attention Behavior Checklist", self-administered "Mathematics Learning Effectiveness Test", Mathematical Diagnostic Test (MDA), and interviews. The findings of visual analysis and C statistic showed that: (1) After using AR in teaching rate and ratio, the participants demonstrated significant achievement of learning outcomes in the rate and ratio on the self-administered Mathematics Learning Effectiveness Test, indicating an immediate and sustain effective learning. The achievement of learning outcomes in the circular has decreased significantly without using AR in the classroom. Most students identified correct answers in post-tests and increased their certainty compared to pre-tests on the Mathematical Diagnostic Test (MDA). (2) The participants' attention in drawing, language, and reasoning were better than before, according to the results of adapted "Classroom Attention Behavior Checklist". (3) Individual differences existed in cognitive load and reaction times when using AR in the classroom, indicating that computational skills acts as a bottleneck for the students with learning disabilities. The teaching intervention did increase the percentage of correct answers and reduce cognitive load of the participants so they can learn at their own pace.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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