


A Study of Correlation Between Occupational and Physical Performance Tests for Workers with Intellectual Disabilities




葉翰霖(Han-Lin Yeh);張韋豪(Wei-Hao Chang);姜義村(I-Tsun Chiang)


智能障礙者 ; 勞工 ; 職能表現 ; 體能檢測 ; 加油站 ; 汽車美容 ; intellectual disabilities ; workers ; occupational performance ; physical test ; gas station ; auto detailing




52期(2020 / 12 / 01)


49 - 70




身心障礙者穩定就業對自尊、自信心、職業生涯發展及生活獨立自主性皆有正面影響,其中職能表現為持續服務於職場的關鍵因素,而體能表現也影響智能障礙者的身體健康與生活品質。本研究目的為探討工作職能表現與各項體能檢測之關聯性,招募51位加油站或汽車美容之智能障礙勞工進行符合該族群合適的職能表現檢測與相關體能檢測。研究資料以斯皮爾曼等級相關係數與克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析,研究結果顯示:(1)各項職能表現與部分體能檢測達顯著負相關(r = -.33 ~ -.63),即當體能表現愈好職能表現耗費時間越少,其績效亦較佳;(2)經工作任務分組後,除同時具洗車與加油能力工作者於上、下肢肌力及步態移行與其他組有顯著差異之外,其他體能與職能表現在各組間並無差異。本研究發現體能與職能表現存在部分項目之關聯性,可作為未來進一步發展監測智能障礙勞工身體狀況與職能表現之研究基礎。同時,基於考量勞力型工作環境的工作效率與身體負荷能力,建議未來於加油站或汽車美容工作的智能障礙勞工之體能訓練應關注心肺耐力、肌力與肌耐力三個項目。此外,亦建議未來應建立大樣本資料庫,將關聯性較高的項目進一步進行預測力之檢驗分析,以完備智能障礙者就業支持性服務工作。


Ensuring employment opportunities for people with disabilities impacts positively on their self-esteem, self-confidence, career development, and life independence. Occupational performance is the main key of maintaining their employment opportunities. Physical performance also impacts their physical health and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to understand the correlation between occupational performance of workers with intellectual disabilities (ID). Fifty- one workers with ID employed in gas station and/or auto detailing were recruited and completed occupational and physical performance tests. Data were analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient and Kruskal-Wallis test. The results indicate: (1) the significant correlations between occupational and physical performance tests (r = -.33 ~ -.63) implies that with higher physical performance, workers with ID would be more efficient with their works; (2) except the group who work both in gas station and auto detailing had significant difference in walk test, upper and lower muscular strength, there is no other significance among groups. The study concluded that some physical performance and occupational performance are correlated and could be the foundation for future studies in understanding physical conditions and occupational performance for workers with ID. Because gas station and auto detailing are labor-intensive working environment, cardi-orespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance are three domains that are recommended in physical trainings for workers with ID to provide enhanced working efficiency and physical capacity. In addition, studies with big data are needed in order to provide stronger evidence to support of enhancing the support service for labors with ID.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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