


Economics and the Theory of Dependent Arising




林沁雄(Richard C. Lin)


證偽實證主義 ; 因緣法 ; 實在主義 ; Falsificationism ; the Theory of Dependent Arising ; Realism




4卷1期(2002 / 07 / 01)


167 - 199




主流經濟學(即證偽實證經濟學)具有邏輯推演以及實證測試上之缺失,致使研究結論面臨批評與質疑。有鑑於此,本文探討另一研究方向-融合因緣法精神之經濟分析,剖析因緣法之哲學觀、研究特質、以及此種經濟分析之研究方法。研究結果顯示具備因緣法之經濟分析保持理性分析之特性,同時令「邏輯成為人類自信的走向錯誤之藝術」不再發生,而且亦可免除主流經濟學實證測試上所具之問題。因此,應用因緣法於經濟學之研究不但深具意義,而且亦有推廣之價值。 經濟行為是人類意識之表現,在佛法上屬於色法之一種,因此其形成須具備主因與增上緣兩項因素。在此認知下,欲求詳實之經濟行為(或現象)必須探討主因與增上緣、其相互關聯、以及彼等對果之影響,如此方有究竟之結果。基此,本文探討具備因緣法精神之經濟分析所具特質,並且試擬因果網絡之研究方向,期具拋磚引玉功效,提供後續研究之參考。


Mainstream economics adopts the falsificationism. From the philosophical perspective, however, we find its deficiencies concerning the logical reasoning and the empirical examination, which give rise to many criticisms to such methodology. This paper explores a new approach, i.e. the application of the theory of dependent arising to economics. Philosophical characteristics of the theory and the feasible methods of dissolving this theory into economic research are carefully examined in the paper. Results indicate the proposed approach retains the merits of logical reasoning and, at the same time, avoids the problem of underdetermination and evades the risk of letting logic becomes the art of going wrong with confidence. The utilization of such approach is appropriate under this concern. The theory of dependent arising, one of the major theories of the Buddhism, attributes the major as well as the related factors to the arising of any phenomenon, including the economic one. Under this notion, instead of concentrating on the main factor, like the mainstream economists do, one needs to examine these factors, the interrelations among these factors, and the possible multi-impact from these factors, in order to reach a meaningful result. This research proposes a network analysis to economics in order to strengthen the truthfulness feature of such analyses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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