


A Study on the External Networks of Innovative Project Group




許書銘(Sue-Ming Hsu);聶憫恩(Min-En Nieh)


創業管理 ; 社會網絡 ; 專案管理 ; New Start Business Management ; Social Network ; Project Management




4卷1期(2002 / 07 / 01)


91 - 133




創業都是一種高風險的活動,而創業活動的管理是近來相當受到重視的研究議題。本文基於創業活動的特性,結合目前大專院校中日益受到重視的創業競賽,探討創新專案團隊的外部網絡關係。 由於本研究具有高度的探索性質,兼以抽象的網絡關係不容易透過量化的問卷加以訪談,本研究初步就三個成功個案加以研究,不過也透過這些個案找出了一些深具研究意涵的研究方向,特別是在外部網絡的建立過程、結構特性與關係內涵等部分,研究結果發現,由於其團隊成員組成與創新技術之特性,不同團隊的外部網絡關係有相當的不同,也可能進一步影響其團隊績效。另外,這些成功團隊的外部網絡結構在某些構面如網絡的延伸性、集群性、密度、親密性、互賴程度等方面的同質性相當高,未來其他團隊在建立與維持外部網絡團隊時,應可參考其經驗,以增進其整體研發創新專案的績效。透過本研究的結果,除了可暸解這種來自校園中的創業模式外,亦可與一般的創業研究相互印證比較,而能對創新與創業活動有更深入的認識與瞭解。


This study especially in measuring how the external networks are set up. It also includes the structure traits and the relational intention. The result of the research found that the external networks relation of different group is quite different due to the character of new technical difference and be consisted of different group members. It could further affect the group performance. In the future, other group can follow the experience of the research so as to maintaining the outside external networks. Through the result, we could not only realize a new built business model from campus, but also comparative with other research. Furthermore this study draws some valuable conclusion and recommendation to help us to understand the interaction between network members.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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