
Exploring the Factors Favoring mCommerce Adoption among Indian MSMEs: A TOE Perspective






陳梅霞(Megha Jain);李雅涵(Angelina Nhat-Hanh Le);林瑩昭(Julia Ying-Chao Lin);鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng)


行動商務 ; 電子商務 ; 科技-組織-環境 ; 中小微型企業 ; 新興市場 ; 印度 ; mCommerce ; eCommerce ; TOE framework ; MSME ; Emerging markets ; India




13卷1期(2011 / 08 / 01)


147 - 188






The current research aims to explain, through the Technology-Organization- Environment (TOE) framework, the factors affecting the adoption of mobile commerce (mCommerce) over electronic commerce (eCommerce) by micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in emerging markets, particularly India. The current research through a review of literature and multiple case studies, proposes that though eCommerce has its own unique value propositions and benefits, the adoption of mCommerce will be a more feasible option than eCommerce for MSMEs in India. Using the TOE framework, the current research provides insights into the drivers of mCommerce and inhibitors of eCommerce adoption in emerging markets, thus adding to the limited knowledge among both academics and practitioners. The current research finds that given the present business environment, MSMEs' capabilities, and external/internal infrastructural issues, adoption of mCommerce for business is a better option than eCommerce for MSMEs in India. Since mCommerce in India is still in its nascent stage, the current research provides valuable guidance to mCommerce adoption among Indian MSMEs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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