This study utilizes survey data of Taiwan's salespersons working for a dealer selling cars made by local auto makers and a dealer selling cars imported from other countries respectively to explore the influence of peer pressure and piece rate on individual performance within the workgroups. The empirical results show that peer pressure has a significantly positive effect on salesperson performance in the local and imported car dealership system. When peers averagely increase NT$10,000 sales bonus, individual salesperson selling local cars and selling importing cars will increase the sales volume of 0.436 and 0.188 respectively. In addition, there is significantly different effect of piece rate on salesperson's reward between local and imported car dealership system. The marginal reward of individual salesperson is NT$19,749 with one-unit change in sales in local car dealership system, and is NT$ 19,749 in imported car dealership system. Finally, integrating the results of empirical study, we find that peer pressure and piece rate can effectively enhance individual salesperson performance. Peer pressure has more of an effect on sales in local car dealership system (contribution of 43.6%, NT$8,611) than in imported car dealership system (contribution of 18.8%, NT$5,714).
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