


Technical Talent's Proactive -Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Process Model of Proactive Behavior with Managerial Differences on Technical Industry Employees


邱皓政(Haw-Jeng Chiou);周怡君(Yi-Chun Chou);歐宗霖(Tsung-Lin Ou)


工作設計 ; 工作特徵 ; 多樣本結構方程模式 ; 角色寬度自我效能 ; 組織創新氣氛 ; work design ; work characteristics ; multi-sample structural equation modeling ; role breadth self-efficacy ; organizational innovative climate




17卷1期(2015 / 07 / 01)


85 - 128






Considering the transformation of technology era and the desire of effective use on human capital in Taiwan, a path model of proactive behavior based on the cognitive affective processing system theory is proposed in this study for examining the relationship among organizational innovative climate, work characteristics, role breadth self-efficacy and proactive behavior. By using the multi-sample structural equation modeling, this present study also examined the managerial difference on the model. Samples were 525 employees of Taiwanese high-technology industries. Data collected by Internet survey. Results supported the mediation effect of the role breadth self-efficacy. Task autonomy characteristics and knowledge characteristics have indirect influence on proactive behavior and indirect effect mediated by employee's role breadth self-efficacy. Results of multi-sample analysis revealed that the managers performed in a different way with non-managers. Practical implications of the model and suggestions for future study were subsequently discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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