
Exploring the Role of Human Resource Flexibility in Organizational Innovation




杜秉叡(Ben-Roy Do);葉弼雯(Pi-Wen Yeh)


Employee skill flexibility ; employee behavior flexibility ; HR practices flexibility ; adaptability culture ; adaptive capability ; process innovation ; product innovation ; 員工技能彈性 ; 員工行為彈性 ; 人資實務彈性 ; 適應性文化 ; 適應型能力 ; 流程創新 ; 產品創新




18卷1期(2016 / 07 / 01)


185 - 218




This study examined the relationships among human resource (HR) flexibility, organizational culture, adaptive capability, and innovation performance. We propose a conceptual model and hypothesized that three sub dimensions of HR flexibility, namely employee skill flexibility, employee behavior flexibility, and HR practice flexibility, positively affect adaptability culture and adaptive capability. In addition, adaptability culture and adaptive capability can facilitate process and product innovation. Structural equation modeling by using data collected from 172 surveys from high-tech firms in Taiwan was performed to test the hypotheses. The results revealed a positive effect of employee behavior flexibility, employee skill flexibility, and HR practice flexibility on adaptability culture and adaptive capability. Moreover, adaptability culture and adaptive capability were found to have a positive effect on process and product innovation.



主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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