


A Study of Social Control Mechanisms and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Virtual Communities


林盛程(Sheng-Cheng Lin);施穎偉(Ying-Wei Shih);簡睿銓(Rui-Quan Jian)


虛擬社群 ; 社會控制 ; 組織公民行為 ; 信任 ; 歸屬感 ; 倚賴意願 ; Virtual Community ; Social Control ; Organizational Citizenship Behavior ; Community Trust ; Sense of Belonging ; Willingness to Depend




18卷1期(2016 / 07 / 01)


269 - 311






With the advancement of information technology, the threshold and cost of constructing a virtual community reduced significantly, which suggests that the success of maintaining a well-functioning virtual community lies not on the technological aspects, but on how to keep the social interaction within it continuously. People are the core value of virtual communities, but the crowd could not be easily managed efficiently. In order to achieve a well-managed community, this research aims to provide the control mechanisms of virtual communities from the perspective of social control and organizational citizenship behavior. According to a survey of 416 subjects, the result shows that "perceived feedback" and "perceived collaboration macro-culture" have positive effects on the citizenship behavior of a virtual community. Furthermore, "perceived collaboration macro-culture" has positive effects on community trust and sense of belonging of community. However, "perceived feedback" exerts no effects on community trust. When a member could frequently perceive the citizenship behavior in the community, he or she will have more community trust and sense of belonging to it, which will further enhance an individual's willingness to depend on the community.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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