


A Study of Consumers’ Intention to Purchase Private Brand Products: The Moderating Roles of Country-of-Origin Image and Product Category


吳立偉(Li-Wei Wu);李明煌(Ming-Huang Li);張榮庭(Jung-Ting, Chang);林于程(Yu-Cheng Lin)


商店形象 ; 消費者創新性 ; 口碑傳播 ; 知覺風險 ; 自有品牌態度 ; 自有品牌購買意願 ; 來源國形象 ; 商品類別 ; Private brands ; store image ; consumer innovativeness ; word of mouth ; perceived risk ; attitude ; purchase intention ; country-of-origin image ; product category




19卷1期(2017 / 07 / 01)


129 - 164






This study examines the factors of store image, consumer innovativeness, and word of mouth, which influence perceived risks of consumers and attitudes toward private brands. This study then analyzes the influences of perceived risks and attitudes towards private brands, particularly purchase intention. This study also examines the moderating effects of country-of-origin and product type between perceived risks and attitudes toward private brands and purchase intention for private brands. The population for this study included consumers who have purchased from private brands. A total of 403 valid questionnaires were collected out of the 410 questionnaires distributed. This study finds that store image has a negative influence on perceived risks and a positive influence on consumer attitudes toward private brands. Consumer innovativeness has a positive influence on attitudes toward private brands. Word of mouth has a negative influence on perceived risks and a positive influence on consumer attitudes toward private brands. Perceived risks and attitudes toward private brands have significant influences on purchase intention. Finally, country-of-origin and product category have negative moderating influences on the effect of perceived risks on purchase intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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