In the modern society with high popularization of autos, all car owners are faced with the basic needs of vehicle maintenance, the auto maintenance market also shows huge business opportunities as well. In addition to the original customer point of view, this study included the option of the scholars and experts to establish the research framework, adopted the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to design the questionnaire design, and used Expert Choice 2000 as the questionnaire analysis software, put forward "the weight table of key service factors for consumers to choose the automobile maintenance plant". The results showed the reliability (0.311) had the highest weight, reactivity (0.243) was second, assurance (0.232) was third, tangibility (0.142) and caring (0.071) were second, respectively based on the five dimensions of measurement. In the 28 sub-planes divided by the five main dimensions, the overall weight of "maintenance content" in reliability was 0.095, taking the first place, the overall weight of "charge" was 0.078, taking the second place, and the overall weight of "problem reflection" was 0.076, taking the third place. The overall weight of "service instant notification" in reactivity is 0.075, occupying the fourth place. The overall weight of "professional knowledge and skills" in assurance was 0.071, taking the fifth place. It can be seen that in the auto maintenance industry, the key factors that consumers pay attention to are the maintenance content, charge, problem reflection, instant service notification, professional knowledge and skills. Based on this, the industry can draw up the correct strategy plan according to the key factors that consumers pay attention to and improve the service quality of the car maintenance plant.
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