


Proactive Personality and Career Success: The Mediating Effect of Achievement Striving


陳春希(Chun-Hsi Chen);林秋慧(Chiu- Hui Lin)


前瞻性人格 ; 職涯成功 ; 追求成就動機 ; 旅館業 ; proactive personality ; career success ; achievement striving motivation ; hotel industry




20卷1期(2018 / 07 / 01)


97 - 130




本研究旨在探討旅館業員工職涯成功之模型架構,以獨特個體差異-前瞻性人格特質(proactive personality)與追求成就(achievement striving)之動機為理論基礎,試圖從人格特質面向瞭解對客觀、主觀職涯成功之關係(包括薪資、職涯升遷、職涯滿意度),並探討追求成就動機的中介效果。以台灣國際觀光旅館之員工為調查對象,採便利抽樣法,共收集225份有效樣本,利用結構方程模式進行實證分析。研究結果顯示(1)前瞻性人格特質與員工的主觀成功(職涯滿意度)具直接影響效果;(2)員工追求成就動機之認知在前瞻性人格與客觀職涯成功(薪資、升遷次數)間具完全中介效果;(3)員工追求成就動機之認知在前瞻性人格與主觀職涯成功(職涯滿意度)間不具顯著中介效果。本研究結果有助於職涯成功模型建立之相關知識,實務應用上不僅應強調員工內在之前瞻性人格特質,還需關注組織藉由外部措施進而強化員工追求成就的動機,以協助員工職涯發展上的成功。最後,依據研究結果提出討論、管理實務意涵、研究限制與後續研究之建議。


This study explored the career success model of employees in the hotel industry and used unique individual differences (i.e., employees' proactive personality and achievement striving motivation) as the theoretical basis to investigate the effect of employees' personality on their subjective and objective perceptions of career success (e.g., salary, number of promotions, and career satisfaction). In addition, this study examined the mediating effect of employees' achievement striving motivation. This study examined international hotel employees as the research subjects, and adopted convenience sampling to collect 225 valid samples. Using the structural equation modeling, an empirical analysis was conducted on the valid samples. The study results are as follows: 1. Proactive personality had a direct effect on employees' subjective perception of career success (i.e., career satisfaction); 2. Achievement striving motivation completely mediated the relationship between employees' proactive personality and their objective perception of career success (i.e., salary and number of promotions); 3. Achievement striving motivation did not significantly mediate the relationship between employees' proactive personality and their subjective perception of career success (i.e., career satisfaction). The results of this study provide relevant information for building career success models. In practice, a company should pay attention to not only employees' proactive personality (an internal factor), but also to how measures adopted by the company (an external factor) can strengthen employees' achievement striving motivation in order to help employees achieve career success. A discussion was proposed based on the study results, and practical management implications, study limitations, and recommendations for subsequent studies were provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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