


A Process Study of a Member's Personal Work in a Gestalt Group Therapy




卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho);張淑芬(Shu-Feng Cheng);高琇玲(Hsiou-Lin Kao)


完形治療團體 ; 好時機 ; 完形技術 ; 歷程研究 ; Gestalt group therapy ; Gestalt techniques ; good moments ; process research




10期(2004 / 06 / 01)


111 - 142






This study explored the changing process of a 49 year-old, female group member who went through a personal work in a Gestalt therapy group. The researchers wanted to understand 1.the factors that made the member choose to do her personal work in the group, and the, changes she felt after the work, 2.the good moments of this therapeutic work, and 3.the techniques that the therapist used. The data included the interview transcripts from the target member, the tapes and the transcripts of the therapeutic work, and the reports from the group therapist. The researchers found that the degree of individual readiness and motivation, the willingness to truly present self and be self-responsible, a sense of trust toward the therapist, and a supportive atmosphere of the group were the key factors that enabled the member to receive the personal work successfully. The member reported that she became more aware of her body senses after the work, more able to accept the important others' decisions, and less easily to be influenced by other people after the therapeutic work. Five good moments were found in this therapeutic work, including undergoing strong powerful feelings, expressing feelings directly to the other or to the therapist, expressing an awareness of ongoing experience, insight, and experiencing new perspectives. The therapist used the general helping skills, such as reflection, interpretation, questioning, and clarification as well as Gestalt-specific techniques, such as ”exaggeration”, ”feed you a sentence”, ”making rounds”, ”concretization”, self-support”, and ”expressing directly”. The researchers also integrated and discussed these findings based on Gestalt cycle of experience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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