


A Study on the Robbery Victimization in Kaohsiung City




楊士隆(Shu-Lung Yang);程敬閏(Ching-Jun Cheng)


搶奪 ; 被害者 ; 日常活動理論 ; Robbery ; Victimization ; Routine Activity Theory




7卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27




本研究主要藉由「一般高雄市民眾電話調查」、「搶奪被害者調查」及「搶奪被害者質性訪談」三部分進行資料蒐集;其目的在探究過去一年來的搶案對民眾生活品質所造成的衝擊。其中包含搶奪犯罪之盛行率、被害恐懼感等,並進一步描繪民眾對該一犯罪型態之親身感受;再由民眾被搶的切身經驗之中,歸納搶奪犯罪之情境相關因素,以及被害者之個人特質。 經由研究調查分析之結果顯示,高雄市搶奪案件之盛行率,過去一年裡,12.5%的受訪者或其家人曾在高雄市遭遇搶奪;其中曾正式向警察機關報案者,僅占56%。由此推知,搶奪案件之發生,在高雄市地區仍隱含相當高的犯罪黑數。搶奪被害之高危險群為:女性,年齡介於21-40歲之間(其中更以26-30歲者,占多數);職業為一般「朝九晚五」的上班族或家庭主婦;經常以逛百貨公司、購物中心、商店區,為休閒者或習慣單獨一人外出。若具有上述之特質者,其又最常以騎乘機車作為交通工具中,並將隨身包包至於「機車踏板」,加上平日外出時亦缺乏危機意識者,則其遭受搶奪侵害的比率將大幅升高。最後,本研究提出防制搶奪犯罪之相關建議,以供有關單位制訂防制對策之參考。


The purposes of this study are to investigate the robbery prevalence rates, fear of crime of residents who live in Kaohsiung. The study decides to collect data by invoking qualitative interview, quantitative research and survey by telephone. It is expected that through the exploration of the study, the adequate preventive strategies can be derived. The result showed that the prevalence rates of robbery victimization in Kaohsiung was high in the 2001 year, 12.5% of participants or their family members reported that they were robbed in Kaohsiung, but only 56% of participants reported to police institution. The study revealed that there are high dark figures of robbery crime in Kaohsiung city. The high risks victimization groups are identified: Female, the age between between 21 to 40 years old, career women or housewife, alone, go shpping frequently and those with no awareness of risk had high risk of victimization.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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