


A Study of the Police Enforcing Risk Stratification of Domestic Violence Cases Illustrated by Siaogang Police District in Kaohsiung City




林瓊如(Chiung-Ju Lin);林明傑(Min-Chieh Lin);鄭瑞隆(Jui-Lung Cheng);吳慈恩(Tsyr-En Wu)


家庭暴力 ; 危險評估 ; 危險分級 ; domestic violence ; risk assessment ; risk stratification




9卷2期(2006 / 12 / 01)


129 - 165




94年高雄市小港分局試辦家庭暴力案件危險分級DA量表防治暴力方案,加強對加害人暴力程度之評估,於保護令核發前實施查訪,提高處理家暴案件之服務品質與成效。 本研究採文獻探討法及調查研究法等方式進行。研究結果發現半數以上的受訪員警同意應於保護令核發前即執行分級查訪,但絕大多數的員警認為應由家暴中心或社工員執行危險評估與查訪。七成的受訪員警認為試辦方案有助提升其對家庭暴力再犯危險之認識。執行成效面上,大多數受訪員警不認為執行危險分級查訪能嚇阻家暴加害者,半數以上的受訪員警不滿意試辦方案對於家庭暴力之防治成效。 家暴被害者方面,45%的受訪者表示警察機關執行兩造查訪有助提升其人身安全保障,僅37%的受訪者表示,警察執行兩造查訪對家暴加害人具威嚇作用,且僅有四成的受訪者表示警察執行兩造查訪有改善加害人再次施暴之情形。 研究建議應提升基層員警決策參與度及對自身角色之認同;加強員警家庭暴力相關在職教育、提升員警專業能力;需提供警察人員與家庭暴力被害者更透明精實的執行程序;改善績效評比方式;並強化網絡成員間之聯繫。


In order to increase the police's quality and efficiency of dealing with domestic violence cases, the Siaogang Police District was authorized by the mayor of Kaohsiung City, Yeh Chu-Lan, to implement the project of risk stratification of domestic violence cases in 2005. This research was to understand the performance process and effectiveness of the project. It was found that more than 50% of the police interviewed believe that it is necessary to enforce risk stratification before the protection order was issued. However, most of the interviewees thought that risk stratification should be carried out by social workers instead of the police. 70% of the interviewees indicated that they would learn the danger of domestic violence much more by participating in this project. Nevertheless, the majority of the interviewees thought that enforcing risk stratification could not efficiently deter the offenders from recidivism. In addition, most of the interviewees were not satisfied with the result of the project. As for the victims, 45% of the interviewees expressed that if the police enforced risk stratification and visited both parties involving in domestic violence cases may help enhancing their personal security. In addition, 37% of the interviewees indicated that the police enforced risk stratification might deter offenders from recidivism. Furthermore, only 40% of the interviewees expressed that the police enforced risk stratification could reduce the offenders' domestic violence. There were five recommendations derived from the research: (1) frontline police officers' opinions should be considered in the decision-making process and improve the police officers' identify to their new role; (2) strengthen the education and training of police officers;(3) provide definite assessment procedures to both police officers and victims;(4) modify the police's performance appraisal and (5) strengthen the police's contact with other net-workers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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