


A Study on the Criminal Investigation Strategy concerning Kidnapping for Ransom




蔡俊章(Chun-Chang Tsai);范兆興(Chao-Hsing Fan)


擄人勒贖 ; 犯罪手法 ; 犯罪模式 ; 偵查策略 ; Kidnapping for Ransom ; Modus Operandi ; Crime Pattern ; Criminal Investigation Strategy




10卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


145 - 194




近年來,暴力與狡詐結合型態案件遽增,不僅消耗龐大的社會成本,許多駭人聽聞的案件更加深了民眾的被害恐懼感,其中尤以擄人勒贖案件最爲嚴重。例如2006年○○礦泉水董事長陳○○遭綁架案,與張○○、林○○犯罪集團所犯下之擄人勒贖案,均造成國內治安的危機。 本文以文獻探討、問卷調查等研究方法,進行資料蒐集。問卷調查主題爲:(一)偵查情資管理;(二)與被害者及家屬建立信賴關係;(三)執行偵查逮捕策略;(四)專案小組之組織管理與獎懲制度;(五)新聞媒體政策;(六)警察教育訓練制度;(七)預防策略與修法建議;(八)現場勘察與證物管理等八大主題。所採用分層隨機抽樣方式,對於1260 位實際從事刑事工作之警察人員進行問卷調查。 經統計分析後,結論如後:(一)研究結果發現,不同的偵查策略群別與人口變項及偵查策略因子有其關聯。(二)適當協調及整合偵查意見。(三)適時調整人員結構及偵查策略。(四)面對綁架案之預防措施,可從家長提高危機意識、強化反綁架預防犯罪宣導著手。 本文建議警察偵辦擄人勒贖案件之五個方針:(一)辨識出特殊犯罪問題。(二)對於導致犯罪發生的情境進行分析。(三)有系統地研究出任一可能阻止犯罪機會的方法。(四)必須採納最有效、可行及經濟之偵查策略。(五)結果必須經過嚴謹科學之評估。


In recent years, the violent crimes combine with trick had increase sharply, it not only expended enormous social cost, but also intensified fear feelings among the general public. Of all criminal types, kidnapping/abduction is the most acute problem. For examples, the Chen case, the chairman of a mineral water company was kidnapped in 2006, and other cases that conducted by the criminal group of Chang & Lin. All of them have threatened public safety and endangered domestic security. The literature review and questionnaires methods were applied in this study. 1260 detectives were participated in the research follow the random samples principle. The research themes were list as fellow: (1)Investigation information management; (2)Establish rapport between the victim's family and police; (3)Execute investigation strategies; (4) Special committee administration, rewards and punishments; (5)Media policy; (6)Police education and training; (7) Prevention strategies and law amendment; (8) Crime scene investigation processing and physical evidence custody. Some conclusions were drew from this study: (1) High correlation between the investigation factor and population variance; (2) Integrated the investigate opinions and change affiliate structure were necessary; (3) Some prevention strategies were important for public safety. In light of the aforementioned findings, this five directives suggestions were proposes in this study: (1) Identifying the key elements of the crime; (2) Analyzing the impetus leading to the act; (3) Preventing the crime with a systematic approach; (4) Adopting the most effective and feasible investigation tactics; (5) Evaluating the investigation policy through scientific methodology.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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