


A Reflection of the Use of Closed-Circuit Television on Crime Control




許華孚(Hua-Fu Hsu)


鈞影監視系統 ; 倫理道德 ; 犯罪控制 ; 現代性 ; CCTV ; Ethic/Morality ; Crime Control ; Modernity ; Capitalism




12卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40




當錄影監視系統(CCTV)成爲治安維護、犯罪控制所宣稱的利器,並逐漸鑲嵌在日常生活的的領域時,本研究以批判性的觀點指科技理陸、規訓與資本主義正建築一個全面監控的社會。經由法律與秩序的藉詞,犯罪控制的議題被極力的提倡,而選擇全面監控不僅呈現在操作者(主事者)的思維,也具體反映在社會整體民眾的病態思維,對於安全、秩序、控制和管理危機的渴求,逐漸擴散社會領域裡,而延伸出對空間控制、情境控制、管理式控制、系統控制。 監視系統在台灣越來越密集,被視爲炙手可熱的維持治安的工具,它被視爲有效控制犯罪的工具,那麼我門所要提問的問題便是,首先從犯罪學的觀點分析,它真的有效嗎?裝置錄影監視器對於治安的維護、犯罪防治與消弭犯罪恐懼感真的有顯著的差異嗎?從法律人權的角度來看,對於裝設監視系統所牽涉的相關問題,包括應有的規範與配套措施的考量與安排卻付之闕如,在過度強調維護治安的功能,而輕忽全面架設監視器所可能帶來人權侵犯的問題,每個空間都可能藏有隱匿的電子警察之眼睛時,潛藏著侵蝕自由社會人權價值的危險因子。再來從社會學的角度出發,錄影監視系統的有效性是否是在政治、社會與經濟的交錯脈絡下而被建構出道德治理的正當性與神聖性呢?


The expansion of CCTV as a technique for crime control in Taiwan has to be taken as evidence of the intensifying punitive obsession developing a popular demand for 'law and order'. In a concrete situation with crime as a mass phenomenon, anger and anxieties created from acts which in modern societies might easily have been perceived as natural crimes become the driving forces in the fight against all sorts of deplorable. Therefore, the device of CCTV becomes the best strategy to release from fear and anxieties of crime. People brought up in the culture of CCTV device surely tend to be the natural enthusiasts of strict law and punishment. Moreover, a 'panoptical society' is built where everybody cannot escape being supervised and monitored. Christie (2000: 15-16) reminds us that the major of dangers of crime in modern societies are not the crimes, but that fight against them may lead societies towards totalitarian developments. The disputes regarding CCTV between crime control and ethic/morality need to be further crystallized. Six contexts of literature provide insightful explanation about the intertwining relationship of penal-government complex in shaping crime control issues and policies, and the intrusion of human right leading to ethic/morality issues. These includes 'discourse of new penology', Foucault's theories of 'disciplinary power', 'panopticon', and 'governmentality', Bauman's inspiration from 'modernity and holocaust'. It also needs to be stressed that the analysis of political economy perspectives-'populism and political ideology' and 'capitalism and crime control' -provides distinct explanation why CCTV is so prevalent in crime control. Literature review analysis, cross-national method, and qualitative research method will be conducted in this research. The aim of this research is hoped to offer explicit perspectives and distinct landscape in analyzing and discussing for the field of criminology, and the development of electric surveillance products.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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