


Revisit the Efficacy of Domestic Violence Risk Stratification Program: Forming a Crime Control Classification-Integration Model




林明傑(Min-Chieh Lin)


家庭暴力 ; 婚姻暴力 ; 風險評估 ; 危險評估 ; 犯罪防治 ; Domestic Violence ; Intimate Violence ; Risk Assessment ; Danger Assessment ; Crime Prevention




14卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


139 - 182




嘉義縣市家庭暴力危險分級管理試辦方案嘗試以改正目前台灣家庭暴力防治之缺失提出整體之改善方式與調整保護令聲請流程,如從報案時全面施測致命危險評估量表(DA)及聲請保護令時填寫受暴嚴重度量表(CTS)、以簡易評估代替團體式審前鑑定、由法官依據簡易評估之危險分級裁定不同週數輔導治療、與警察及社工員依據危險分級作不同密度之兩造關心訪查等提出一完整之改善方案,並於2005年起在嘉義縣市試辦之。林明傑等(2009)發現在嘉義市第一、二分局各降低四分之一與三分之一之再犯率。本研究之研究-以A-B 實驗設計以嘉義縣市為觀察組,並以新竹縣市及全台灣地區為對照組。發現本方案確使嘉義縣市之整體親密暴力通報數在2005、2006、2007年均微幅降低,各平均降3.5%與8.5%,而新竹縣市與全台灣地區均上升,各平均上升5.5%、4.5%、與3.5%。但用前後縣市平均值比較未達顯著差異。而研究二之中,因嘉義縣自2009年起未能嚴謹實施高危機個案會議,而改只以仍持續嚴謹實施的嘉義市為觀察組,並以全國為對照組,均以全體家庭暴力通報數來觀察,發現自2007年到2010年之平均家暴通報數每年降低0.85%,但全國同時期卻平均增加10.9%,兩者之通報增加率確實有達顯著差異t=-4.064(p=.007)。作者因發現英國南威爾斯類似方案亦有效果,經省思後提出一「犯罪防治分類分級整合模式」,強調犯罪控制應先後掌握統計、分類學、原因學、危險評估、處遇、與法律方案,如此才能規劃出有效方案。


The Domestic Violence Risk Classification Program in Chiayi City and Chiayi County, Taiwan was to correct the drawbacks of current program in Taiwan and started in 2005. The program added Danger Assessment (DA) scaling for all victims reporting to the police, added Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) for all victims applying for protection orders, substituting court-order assessment for few cases by brief assessment for all cases, judges' sentencing for treatment term based on risk level, starting tracking visit or phonecall to victims and abusers by police officers, and starting tracking visit or phonecall to victims by social workers in various density based on risk level etc. Lin & Tsai (2009) found this program could reduce one-third and one-forth of recidivism rate in First and Second Precincts in Chiayi City respectively. In Study 1, this study used an A-B experimental design in two areas, compared to 2 counterpart areas, Hsinchu County, and Hsinchu City. The two participated areas showed that reporting case numbers were slightly dropped during 2005, 2006, and 2007, respectively dropped 3.5% and 8.5%, whereas Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, and the whole Taiwan arose 5.5%, 4.5%, and 3.5% respectively. However, it did not reach significant difference. In Study 2, since Chiayi County did not continuously open sincere monthly meeting, the reporting numbers of Chiayi City and the whole Taiwan area was compared from 2007 through 2010. It was found that the average arise rates were -0.85% and 10.9%, respectively, which reached significant difference(t=-4.064, p=.007). It did show that the experimental program have a tendency to reduce the reporting number, whereas the reporting case numbers still arose during the same years. It was found that a similar program in Walse, UK had similar efficacy. After rumination, the author propose a ”A Crime Control Classification-Integration Model”, which emphasizes an effective crime control program should include a good preparation on typology, etiology, risk assessment, treatment, and then law.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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