


The Effectiveness of Mandatory Treatment: A Social Control Theory Perspective




鍾志宏(Chih-Hung Chung);吳慧菁(Hui-Ching Wu)


性犯罪 ; 強制治療 ; 社會控制 ; Sexual Offenders ; Mandatory Treatment ; Social Control Theory




15卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 28






The purpose of the study is based upon the recidivism rate to examine the effectiveness of mandatory treatment for the male sexual offenders over the past 15 years using a social control theory perspective. This study employed literature review and secondary data analysis to investigate the characteristics, mandatory treatment records, and recidivism of the male sexual offenders. The collaborated study sites were Kaohsiung Prison, Taichung Prison, and Taipei Prison. At the year of 2006, 536 participants set off or are paroled from the prisons excluding those displaced to other prison or dead joined in this study. Descriptive statistics were conduct to characterize all characteristics. T-test and one-way ANOVA were performed to compare the variance in the reported six coping domains in the entire sample based on the participants' mandatory treatment and recidivism. The analyzed data reveals (1)the current evaluating mechanism doesn't tell the level of risky for the male sexual offender; (2)no significant difference between the number and length of mandatory treatment for the recidivism records; (3)the therapists have significant impact on valuating the durance of the treatment; (4)the effectiveness of mandatory treatment without significant relationship with the risky of recidivism. That is to say, mandatory treatment has no significant effect on the preventing recidivism. To prevent sexual recidivism, mandatory treatment is a passive approach on criminals. We should strengthen the social control and decrease the criminal opportunities in the community. For the released sexual offenders, the practitioners either providing treatment in the prison or in the community should keep comprehensive and continuous monitoring on them. Furthermore, we should solid the security facilities in the community to prevent the victim.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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