


The Process Dissociation of Automatic and Controlled Process during Police using Firearms Research Review


王伯頎(Po-Chi Wang);林思賢(Shih-Hsien Lin);李修安(Hsiu-An Lee)


警員 ; 武器辨識測驗 ; 控制式/自動化歷程 ; 歷程分離 ; police ; weapon identification task ; controlled/automatic process ; process dissociation




16卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


59 - 83




使用槍械是警員勤務的最後手段,然而使用槍械的心理歷程較少被探討,使用槍械時,反應時間與認知資源都是嚴重受限,也就是控制式歷程的作用受到了阻礙。許多文獻都指出在這種狀況,自動化歷程可能會發生而導致了誤用槍械。Payne(2001)發展了武器辨識測驗(weapon identification task, WIP)探討上述狀況下的自動化與控制式歷程。WIP的基礎是認知心理學中的促發-目標實驗典範,許多應用WIP的研究解釋了在族群刻板印象下的槍械誤用原因。但目前研究多偏重於探討一般人在族群刻板印象激發下的反應,並無研究運用WIP探討警員的心理歷程,也忽略了其他因素,如環境脈絡的效果。故本文旨在回顧及評述相關研究,試圖對員警誤擊問題提出可研究之方向。


Using firearms is the ultimate mean of police work. The underlying psychological processes of using firearms remain unclear. The response time and cognitive resources are severely limited at the moment of decision-making and behaviors of using firearms, which indicate that the controlling processes are obstructed. As literatures have indicated, the automatic processes may occur at the conditions mentioned above, and consequently, leading to mistaken use of firearms. A computer task, weapon identification task (WIP) was invented by Payne (2002) to investigate the automatic and controlled processes of such conditions. The WIP is based on the priming-context paradigm of cognitive psychology, and studies employed WIP have found explanations of the mistaken use of firearms under stereotype context. However, most researches were focused on the stereotype activation of lay people. None of the studies was found to apply WIP to investigate the psychological processes of on-duty police officers or to investigate the automatic impacts of environmental context.This article aims to review and comment related researches in an attempt to propose a feasible direction for the study on police officers' mistaken shootings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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