


Non-traditional Security Perspective: A Study of Crime Trends in Kinmen


李修安(Hsiu-An Lee)


非傳統安全 ; 金門 ; 小三通 ; non-traditional security ; Kinmen ; mini three links




16卷1期(2013 / 06 / 01)


85 - 119






In this study, the follow-up study of Kinmen exploratory study of the current situation of public security management, and for all Kinmen grassroots police conducted a questionnaire survey.This research attempts to illustrate the scope of non-traditional security, and propose various security concepts in response to Kinmen from different sources for the solution of the crime. Study found that an important factor affecting the law and order in Kinmen mini three links between the two sides after the non-traditional security-the hazards of cross-border crime are important factors; the grassroots police for law and order in view of the current situation, the general type of crime that Kinmen more of fraud, drug trafficking, theft, stolen goods, with the two sides close exchanges. Kinmen, foreign high population mobility, resulting in the population increasingly complex; bring hordes of people at the same time, may also lead to an increase in crime. Nearly half of the respondents said that being in the questionnaire, trafficking in human beings and illegal immigration is the mini three links between the two sides of the Golden Gate law and order affect the potential crisis. Public security management in Kinmen, respondents generally felt that the importance of cross-strait cooperation to combat crime and stressed the necessity of the Kinmen-Xiamen security defense.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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