


The Feeling of Being Socially Excluded and Anticipated Management Strategies among Taiwanese Inmates


顧以謙(Yi-Chien \dKu);戴伸峰(Shen-Feng Tai)


受刑人 ; 監禁 ; 社會排斥 ; 更生預期管理策略 ; inmate ; imprisonment ; socially Exclusion ; anticipated rehabilitating management strategies




18卷2期(2016 / 01 / 01)


51 - 77




根據明恥整合理論,當個體接受刑罰且被貼上羞辱烙印標籤時,受刑人將感受到社會排斥,且可能導致其未來無法順利更生而再犯。此外,從許多相關文獻也可以發現,機構內的受刑人多半具有主觀被社會排斥的經驗,認為監獄處遇對自己未來回歸社會的環境或工作無甚幫助。此點暗示著受刑人感受到的社會排斥,可能會對受刑人出獄後所採納的策略造成影響,進而成為受刑人未來是否能順力更生的關鍵。本研究聚焦於受刑人於監禁期間的社會排斥感受,以及此種感受如何影響著受刑人預期中出獄後所選擇的更生管理策略。本研究利用了結構方程式模型來建構社會排斥感受與預期管理策略之模型期望澄清兩者之間之關係。本研究的往台北監獄、台中監獄、嘉義監獄施測,共獲得802份男性受刑人之有效樣本。回收率達89.1%。研究結果發現,來自公共關係、親密關係的排斥感受越強,則受測者越容易將自身受到排斥的問題歸因於社會不公等因素。此外,來自公共關係的排斥感受越強,則個體也越會選擇利用開誠佈公的方式,嘗試尋求社會的理解。研究還發現來自公共關係的排斥越強,個體越會採取保密策略(β = .424, p<.001)。另外,研究結果指出來自親密關係的排斥感受越強,則越不會採取開誠佈公的策略。


Basing on reintegrative shaming theory, when the disintegrative shaming exercises influence over inmates, they will be excluded from the majority society and thus raise the possibility of the inmates ' repeated violation. Besides, related literature also shows that many inmates have the feeling of being socially excluded from society, and have the same idea that the treatment they received in prison gives no help to them in returning to society. It is implicated thereby that the feeling of being socially excluded and the management strategies which inmates adopt are closely related to recidivism. This research focused on how the inmates in the correctional facilities feel when they are socially excluded and what their anticipated rehabilitating management strategies are on the assumption that they were released. In addition, this research also adopted structure equal modeling (SEM) to testing and estimating causal relations between the feeling of being socially excluded and anticipated management strategies. The present study views the recidivist problem from a social-psychology perspective with a hope to offer suggestions to the related government agencies for formulating more appropriate policies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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