


The Construction of Lifelong Learning Experiences Inventory for Principals of Elementary Schools in Taiwan




林合懋(Her-Maw Lin)


終身學習經驗 ; 國小校長 ; 成就目標 ; 轉型領導 ; 多元智慧 ; lifelong learning experiences ; professional development achievement goals ; transformational leadership ; multiple intelligences




50卷2期(2003 / 12 / 01)


297 - 323




終身學習經驗系個人為追求專業成長或自我實現所曹進行的各種學習行動或策略。本研究根據教師專業成長理論,以臺灣地區246位國小校長為樣本,編製「國小校長終身學習經驗量」。經因素分析歸納出校長終身學習經驗的六個因素:「參加校外活動」、「多元體驗」、「專業合作自我導向學習」、「主動參與學術活動」、「問題本位人際互動」、「閱聽媒體參與研習」,顯示出增長終身學習經驗的多元性。其中以「參加校外活動」最具解釋力,突顯了這種經驗在校長終身學習經驗上的重要地位。由這六個因素所構成的量表表有良好的信度。 當考慮國內學校推動九年一貫課程、落實多元智慧,建立終身習社會的過程,是一個需要校長以身作則,發揮卓越領導,帶領成員共同進行轉型的過程時,本研究進一步以校長的成就動機,多元智慧學校經營理念與轉型領導等三個層面來考驗本量表的效標聯效度,結果也發現本量表有不錯的效度,其中以「專業合作自我導向學習」的效標關聯效度最高,意涵校長這種終身學習經驗對學校實現教改理想有最大的幫助,而「主動參與學術活動」效標關聯效度最低則意涵這種學習經驗對實現教改理想最沒幫助,有等檢討。本研究并建議在校長遴無與培訓時應該注重校長的學習導向性格,才能選出真正能終身學習的校長以發揮深遠的影響力。


Lifelong learning experiences are learning actions or strategies which a person takes for the purpose of the professional and personal development. The purpose of this study is to construct a Lifelong Learning Experiences Inventory (LLET) for principals of elementary schools, measuring how they perform in those learning actions or strategies. Based on the theories of teacher development growth, and using 246 principals of elementary schools in Taiwan, The LLEI consists 30 items which are classified into six subcales with good reliabilities as following: (1) participate activities outside the school, (2) engage in diversed learning in person, (3) self-directed learning in professional collaboration, (4) actively attend academic-oriented activities, (5) problem-based interpersonal interaction, (6) use audio & video media and attend local seminars. This result shows that the lifelong-learning experiences of elementary school principals are multiple and rich. Among the six subcales, ”participate activities outside the school” is the most explanatory facor, while the rest factors have similar low explanatory power. The criterion-related validity of LLEI is well constructed in the context of principals' achievement goals, transformational leadership, and their multiple intelligences approaches to school management, finding out that the factor ”self-directed learning in professional collaboration” has the highest criterion-related validity, while the factor actively attend academic-oriented activities” tends to have the lowest criterion-related validity, impling separately the most and the least influences on school innovation. The research also suggests cultivating and selecting learning-oriented principals in order to fulfill the ideal of school reforms in Taiwain.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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