


The Paternalistic Leadership in the School-A Case Study of a Kindergarten




王怡云(Yi-Yun Wang)


家長式領導 ; 園長領導 ; 幼稚園 ; paternalistic leadership ; kindergarten principal's leadership ; kindergarten




7期(2005 / 07 / 01)


55 - 79




在幼稚園組織中,園長的領導扮演著極為重要的角色,園長本身的經歷及專業訓練與幼稚園的教育品質具有密切關係。本研究試圖從華人文化的觀點探究幼稚園園長的領導行為,關心領導者在促進教育品質的過程中,所持的理念觀點以及領導的實際作為。 研究者以一所私人經營之績優幼稚園園長為研究對象,研究者以參與觀察者的角色,自2004年3月至11月進入幼稚園現場蒐集資料,計有參與觀察四十五次,正式訪談二次,非正式討談二十一次;除此之外,還蒐集了幼稚園的親職手冊、教案設計、家長會親師溝通說明單等文件。 研究發現園長的領導觀點與作為表現在「展現權威」、「關懷照顧」、「重視專業倫理」、「弦調形象」等四方面,前三者的內涵與近年來華人組織研究所揭示的「家長式領導」要素互相符應,而「雖調形象」這部份也反映了中國人所講究的「面子問題」。


A principal's leadership plays a vital role in a kindergarten. The principal's experiences and professional training are closely related to the education quality in the kindergarten. This research attempts to explore the leading behavior of a kindergarten principal from a local perspective. The researcher is interested in the ideological concepts and leadership practice of a leader during the process of enhancing education quality. The research tracks the leadership practices of the kindergarten principal and interprets the actual phenomena. The subject of this research is the principal of a private kindergarten which was granted the Award of Excellency by the Bureau of Education in 2003. The subject has been working as a kindergarten principal for almost two decades. The researcher started collecting data in the kindergarten in March 2004 as a participant observer. So far the researcher has conducted over 40 observations, 2 formal interviews, and 20 informal interviews. In addition, the parent handbooks, teaching plan designs, and parent-teacher meeting communication documents have also been collected for documentation collection. This research found that the leadership concept and behavior of a kindergarten principal are present in four aspects which are ”Presentation of authority”, ”Caring”, Professional ethics appreciation ”and ”Strong focus on personal image”. The essence of the first three aspects corresponds to the elements in ”Parental leadership”, which are indicated in recent years' studies on Chinese organizations. ”Strong focus on personal image” also reflected the particular ”Face issue” that Chinese highly regard.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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