


Review and Assessment of the Professionalization of Family Life Education in Taiwan




謝銀沙(Yin-Sha Hsieh)


家庭生活教育 ; 家庭教育 ; 專業化 ; family life education ; family education ; professionalization




7期(2005 / 07 / 01)


80 - 98






This study reviews the development process of the professionalization of family life education in Taiwan through the five main steps of(1)the first appearance of professional work,(2)the emergence of training institutions,(3)the formation of professional organizations,(4)the seeking of legal safeguards and supports, and (5)the establishment of professional ethics and rules. Adopting six criteria of professionalization, namely theoretical system, professional organization, personnel training, professional certification, professional ethics, and public accreditation to examine this process, it makes the following findings: First, although knowledge of family life education is quite well developed, it lacks local content; second, although three national professional organizations have been established, they lack human and material resources; third, while eight colleges and universities provide preparatory courses for family life educators, there are disparities in the basic competence of their instructors; fourth, while work methods are geared toward improving competence, rules of professional ethics are neglected; fifth, while qualification requirements and training methods have been ordained and put into effect, no certification system has been put into operation; and sixth, while the general population recognizes the function of family life education, it has still not received the approval of the academic community. In view of these findings, we put forward five suggestions as follows: (1)Clear distinction should be drawn between family life education and other fields of study, to promote the establishment of a body of localized knowledge on the subject;(2)the Ministry of Education should as soon as possible commission an appropriate institution or organization to conduct an official certification system for family life education professionals, and set up a database of qualified professionals;(3) make an examination for nowadays worker to get an official certification; (4)studies should be conducted on the differences between licensure, certification and accreditation models to determine which is most suitable for implementation in Taiwan; and (5)action should be taken to expedite the introduction of a code of ethics for family life education professionals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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