


Narrative Research of Self-View of Pure Land Monks




陳佩钰(Pei-Yu Chen);林杏足(Shindrew Lin)


淨土僧侶 ; 自我觀 ; 敘事 ; Pure Land monk ; self-view ; narrative




27卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 32




本研究旨在探討僧侶的自我觀,研究參與者為六位淨土寺院的僧侶,運用敘事研究法的「類別內容」,針對僧侶自我敘說中的物質我、社會我、心理我與靈性我之表層內容與深層意義,進行文本資料的綜合分析。研究結果如下: 淨土僧侶對物質我的看法,將身體視為自利利他、成佛之道的工具。社會我,自覺僧侶是有勇氣、非享樂、小愛化大愛的角色認同;在僧團中以大團體為依歸,適度展現自我;人我互動重視共融和諧、尋求圓滿增上;尊重不同生命體的獨特,放下單一、絕對的標準。心理我,承認自己的不足與有限,涵融學習新事物;認知轉念將經驗事件意義化;檢視覺察自我狀態,打开空间突破限制;生活中有正向、負向與中性的情緒,修行經驗裡提醒自己行持中道觀,覺察而非否定情緒的存在。靈性我的深度教性,自身與佛法的相應契合;因緣為我師,以佛菩薩、高僧大德為標竿,學習慈悲、願力、實踐、智慧;奉獻自我,以生命完成成佛目標;應用佛法,相信因緣的意義,從中轉變與提升自我。 研究者根據研究結果,對諮商實務工作與未來研究提出具體建議。


The purposes of this study aims to understand the self-view of the monks. The researcher has interviewed six monks from different Pure Land temple and has analyzed the data by the method of categorical-content perspective of narrative research. The themes are the surface contents and profound meanings of physical self, social self, mental self, and spiritual self. The findings and significances are following: The monks explore physical self as a tool to benefit self and others, to improve themselves and to become a Buddha. They realize that the identity of the role of monk life is courageous, unpleasant. It is this realization that makes the self-view more frequent when they are expressing themselves moderately, getting along with others and looking harmony and improvement in the interpersonal relationships. In the mental self, they admit the limitations of self and learn new things. They make it meaningful of those experiences and events via the transfer of thoughts. In daily affairs, while facing positive, negative and neutral moods, they remind themselves to stay mid-way status and aware the existences of the emotions. It is this self-view, which makes the unity of self and dharma, they have deep faith of the meanings of cause and effect, they are willing to carry the consequences of being a monk and they take those Buddha, bodhisattva and sages as standard to practice compassion, vows, accomplishment and wisdom. They practice the teachings of Buddha, and finish the transference and sublimation of self. Based on the results of the study, the researcher provides concrete suggestions for counselors and related researchers on future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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