


Strategies of the European Integration after the EU Enlargement




鍾志明(Chih-Ming Chung)


歐洲共同 ; 歐洲聯 ; 分段統 ; 核心歐洲 ; 強化合作 ; European Community ; European Union ; Graduated Integration ; Core Europe ; Enhanced Cooperation




1期(2005 / 07 / 01)


103 - 123




冷戰結束後,爲重整全歐政經版圖,各界紛陳歐洲統合的各式主張與策略。爲免統合陷入停滯,很早便有人建議「分段統合」(graduated integration)或「多種速度的歐洲」(multi-speed Europe),主張具有高度統合意願和能力之會員國,可先行就若干政策領域著手推動深化,其他會員國則應儘快趕上此一統合進度。然而,此種作法勢將形成強、弱兩個集團組合,歐盟統合之共同基礎亦將無以爲繼,其後果殊難逆料。歐洲聯盟下一步的統合計畫與策略究竟爲何,不僅關係著歐洲未來的政經走向,其過程亦充滿著許多的不確定性因素,更是值得我們觀察和進行深入探討的一個面向。本文首先從歐體/歐盟統合歷程中,找出在實務中採納的彈性作法;其次,扼要說明政學界所提出之各種統合途徑;復次,分析歐洲聯盟條約所規定的彈性整合與加強合作、以及歐盟憲法條約之進一步鬆綁;最後,對於各式分段統合策略和作法提出評論。


After the end of the Cold War, there were quite divergent opinions regarding best strategy towards European Integration. In order to avoid the deadlock of the integration, some suggested ideas of ”graduated integration” or ”multi-speed Europe”. According to it's central argument, a smaller group of Member States committed to Europe is in a position to forward integration on specific policy fields. It bears, nevertheless, the risk that the Union will split into strong and weak groups in the EC/EU and the impacts as well as the consequences of this integration method are difficult to predict. The next step of European Integration will not only influence politics and economy of Europe in the future, but also cause a lot of uncertainties in the process. This article is divided into four main parts to discuss the different scenarios on the future of the European Integration. Firstly, it will find out flexible approaches which were adopted in the daily life of the European Community/Union in the past. Secondly, those approaches of European integration from political and academic areas will be explained briefly. It will then analyze the flexibility provisions and the ”enhanced cooperation” in the Treaty on European Union, and the restrictions in the EU Constitution Treaty. Finally, it will make comments on various strategies and approaches of the integration.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 地理及區域研究
人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 法律學
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