


Meaning of Fractional Number Words: A Case Study of Fourth Graders




李端明(Duan-ming Li)


分數詞 ; 根本建構主義 ; 基模論 ; 教學晤談法 ; fractional number words ; radical constructism ; scheme theory ; teaching interview




9期(2001 / 12 / 01)


277 - 291+293






The study was based on the radical constructism as well as piagetian scheme theory, a four-grader was selected to collect her problem activities relating to fractional number words via teaching interview. According to the analysis on the performance of student, she was hypothesized as one instance who had the concept of additive fractional, when she used fractional number words, which has the following properties: (a) Fractional number words were used to denote a juxtaposed relationship between two quantities. (b) Subdivision operations have attained reversible level. (c) Fractional number words were used to denote meaning of operators. (d) The part-whole relationships among units of quantity is uni-directional, from part to whole. (e) The bi-directional part-whole relationship among units of quantities were not yet achieved. (f) A lack of construction on commeasure units as well as of the density meaning of fractional number words was observed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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