


The Critique of the Implication of Education Reform Discourse: Reason and Progress




許誌庭(Chih-Ting Hsu)


教育改革 ; 論述形構 ; 理性與進步 ; education reform ; discursive formation ; progress and reason




13期(2005 / 06 / 01)


111 - 125




自啓蒙運動以來,理性已被視為是人類追求歷史進步的推力,然而這種假定也遭致極大的批判,認為對理性的過度信賴,是複製了對宗教的盲目信仰,並未讓人類獲得真正的解放。在這種理論背景之下,本文以台灣的教育改革為脈絡,據以檢視不同理論,對「理性與進步」之間關聯性的不同詮釋,並從中提出對台灣教育改革的可能啓示。 主要論點認為,人類具先天理性的假定,終究只是形上學的抽象構作物,其結果卻可能導向以學術權威與政治勢力做為理性內涵的填充物,而無視於教育場域中的隋緒感受,甚至做為排斥實務人員參與的藉口;再者進步與否的認定,更可能只是一種權力/知識運作下的論述形構。 基於此,本又認為教育改革論述,除了需要能正確審度社會脈絡的實踐理性外,更需具有能感受身處教育情境中人們的苦難的想像力,如此,我們才能說我們擁有了一個完整的教育改革。


Since the Enlightenment Movement, reason has been viewed as the power to push the progress of human's history. Based on the same hypothesis, the concepts of reason and progress are two main motive powers of education reform in Taiwan. However, some schools point out that, what the reasons bring about is not real emancipation but other oppression. In this essay, the author tries to examine the different views of the concepts of reason and progress between Enlightenment, Critical Theory and Postmodern Theory. The main arguments in this article are that, there are no clear standards to clarify the concepts of reason or non-reason, neither series steps to achieve the progress of education, therefore academic authority and political power will replace the substance of reason and the definition of progress. Finally, the author considers that the discourse of education reform must be based on both practical reason and the ability to imagine people's sufferings in educating. In doing so; we can have a complete education reform.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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