


A Needs Assessment Study for Constructing an Electronic Performance Support System to Facilitate Elementary School Teachers in the Area of Science and Technology




何俐安(Li-An Ho);陳韋宏(Weu-Hung Chen)


電子績效支援系統 ; 自然與生活科技 ; Electronic Performance Support System ; The Area of Science and Technology




13期(2005 / 06 / 01)


127 - 145






In the age of rapid changing information technology, life-long learning has become an important principle of maintaining one's market competeability and values. For in-service teachers, for example, adjusting their teaching strategies based on students' responses and learning outcomes is an important aspect of professional development. How to enable teachers to resolve encountering teaching difficulties in the shortest time possible is one of the most important issues that educational authority must emphasize. In recent years, the development of Electronic Performance Support Systems has had results in regards to support the enterprise staff in their jobs. Therefore, if such tool could be promoted in education profession, the advancement of the teaching specialty can be expected. In regards to students, ”independent thinking and problem solving” abilities are the main strengths that they will hold to face the ever-changing future environments. Therefore, how to help students sustain such abilities through classroom teaching is something that every teacher should be concerned with. This study adopted a needs assessment procedure and used interview as the major data collecting method to understand the problems and difficulties that the teachers had while helping students mastering the independent thinking and problem solving abilities. The collected data concluded the functions and content that an Electronic Performance Support System should contain in order to facilitate 5(superscript th)-6(superscript th) grade elementary school teachers to performance daily teaching in the Area of Science and Technology, especially in enhancing students' independent thinking and problem solving skills.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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